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Political Activity of Kwiek ‘Dynasty’ in the Second Polish Republic in the Years 1935–1939
Social Inclusion ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-04 , DOI: 10.17645/si.v8i2.2775
Alicja Gontarek

The coronation of King Janusz Kwiek, which took place in 1937, was meant to integrate the Romani elite in the interwar sociopolitical life of Poland. Unfortunately, the creation of a homogeneous and centralized Romani representation through the royal institution ended in a fiasco. Firstly, the centralized model of power was in conflict with the Romani nomadic system in Poland, which was based on a multitude of leaders, including women whose power resulted from hierarchical dependence. Secondly, it quickly became clear that from the mid-1920s onward, when the presence of Polish Romani in mainstream social life crystallized, there has been no bottom–up social initiatives promoting King Janusz Kwiek’s attempts towards sociopolitical reform. Therefore, the Romani population was not prepared for changes and no effective state coercive measures were created to enforce the introduction of the postulated changes. Thus, although the activities of both actors—the Kwieks and the Polish authorities—often had a facade character, consisting in more or less weak ‘governance’ of the Romani minority, their joint activity favored the political maturation of the Romani elite and its comprehensive development. This was despite of the many shortcomings of the close relationship between the Romani people and the Polish administration, as a result from the dictatorial rule in Poland at the time.



Janusz Kwiek国王的加冕典礼于1937年举行,旨在将罗曼尼精英融入波兰的两次世界大战之间的社会政治生活中。不幸的是,通过皇家机构建立统一而集中的罗曼尼代表制以惨败告终。首先,权力的中央集权模式与波兰的罗曼尼游牧制度相抵触,后者以众多领导人为基础,其中包括由于等级制而产生权力的妇女。其次,很快就很清楚,从1920年代中期开始,当波兰罗曼语出现在主流社会生活中时,就没有自下而上的社会倡议来推动Janusz Kwiek国王进行社会政治改革的尝试。因此,罗曼人没有为变化做好准备,也没有制定有效的国家强制措施来强制实施假定的变化。因此,尽管两个行动者(犹太人和波兰当局)的活动通常具有外表特征,包括或多或少地弱化了罗曼人的“治理”,但他们的联合活动有利于罗曼人精英的政治成熟及其全面的发展。发展。尽管由于当时波兰的独裁统治,罗曼尼人民与波兰政府之间的密切关系存在许多缺陷。由罗曼族的或多或少的弱势“治理”组成,他们的共同活动有利于罗曼族精英的政治成熟及其全面发展。尽管由于当时波兰的独裁统治,罗曼尼人民与波兰政府之间的密切关系存在许多缺陷。由罗曼族的或多或少的弱势“治理”组成,他们的共同活动有利于罗曼族精英的政治成熟及其全面发展。尽管由于当时波兰的独裁统治,罗曼尼人民与波兰政府之间的密切关系存在许多缺陷。