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Enwinding Social Theory: Wind and Weather in Zulu Zionist Sensorial Experiences
Social Analysis ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.3167/sa.2016.600306
Rune Flikke

In this article I will place wind and weather at the center of a long healing process. The case study revolves around Thandi, who was one of my main informants and a good friend during three years of fieldwork in a Zulu Zionist congregation.1 I first met Thandi through Themba, the founder of the congregation and the kingpin in my research network and in charge of Thandi’s healing process. Themba made his living at a governmental institution, where he prayed for and treated clients during his lunch breaks. However, the main activities of the congregation were based in Themba’s home situated in an African township outside of Durban, South Africa. The township was at the time plagued by political violence (cf. Jeffery 1997:354ff.), crime, poverty, and rapidly growing informal settlements as people fled to Durban to escape violence and years of drought in the surrounding rural areas. Thandi encountered winds, which blurred any clear distinctions between weather as an observable objective fact and the internal,



在这篇文章中,我将把风和天气放在一个漫长的愈合过程的中心。案例研究围绕 Thandi 展开,他是我在祖鲁犹太复国主义会众三年实地考察期间的主要线人之一,也是我的好朋友。 1 我第一次认识 Thandi 是通过 Themba,会众的创始人和我研究网络的主要人物,以及负责 Thandi 的治疗过程。Themba 在一家政府机构谋生,在那里他在午休时间为客户祈祷并接待他们。然而,会众的主要活动是在 Themba 位于南非德班郊外一个非洲小镇的家中进行的。该镇当时饱受政治暴力(参见 Jeffery 1997:354ff.)、犯罪、贫困、随着人们逃往德班以逃避周围农村地区的暴力和多年干旱,非正式定居点迅速增长。Thandi 遇到了风,它模糊了天气作为可观察的客观事实与内部的任何明确区别,