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Why Women Protest: Insights from Ukraine's EuroMaidan
Slavic Review ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-25 , DOI: 10.1017/slr.2018.207
Olena Nikolayenko , Maria DeCasper

This article examines why Ukrainian women participated in the 2013–14 anti-government protests, widely known as the EuroMaidan. Based upon in-depth interviews with female protesters, the study uncovers a wide range of motivations for women's engagement in the revolution, including dissatisfaction with the government, solidarity with protesters, motherhood, civic duty, and professional service. Political discontent was the most cited reason for protesting. Solidarity with protesters was another major catalyst for political engagement. In addition, women who were mothers invoked the notion of mothering to provide a rationale for activism. The study contributes to the growing literature on women's participation in contentious politics in non-democracies.


女性抗议的原因:来自乌克兰 EuroMaidan 的见解

本文探讨了乌克兰妇女为何参加 2013-14 年反政府抗议活动,即广为人知的 EuroMaidan。基于对女性抗议者的深入采访,该研究揭示了女性参与革命的广泛动机,包括对政府的不满、与抗议者的团结、母性、公民义务和专业服务。政治不满是抗议最多的原因。声援抗议者是政治参与的另一个主要催化剂。此外,身为母亲的女性援引母爱的概念来为激进主义提供理由。该研究为越来越多的关于妇女参与非民主国家有争议的政治的文献做出了贡献。