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Split Memory: The Geography of Holocaust Memory and Amnesia in Belarus
Slavic Review ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-23 , DOI: 10.1017/slr.2018.15
Anika Walke

The remote location of Beshankovichy's mass grave for Jewish victims of the Nazi genocide reflects the exclusion of local Jews during the German occupation of Soviet territories and limits their memory to a few knowledgeable survivors and witnesses. In contrast, local commemorative practices focus on memorials for Soviet soldiers, partisans, and their aides. The paper reveals an incongruence of the place of historical experience on the one hand, and the locale of popular commemoration on the other, highlighting the impact of the Holocaust in Belarus to destroy Jewish history and its memory. The spatial division reflects the trauma of loss as much as shame for local participation in the mass murder. Drawing on oral histories, archival materials, and field visits, the study builds on a growing field of scholarship on the role of space and place in the construction of memories and identities in the aftermath of atrocity and trauma to discuss the geographical dimensions of memory and amnesia.



Beshankovich 为纳粹种族灭绝的犹太受害者建造的万人坑位于偏远的位置,这反映了在德国占领苏联领土期间当地犹太人被排斥在外,并将他们的记忆限制在少数知识渊博的幸存者和目击者身上。相比之下,当地的纪念活动则侧重于为苏联士兵、游击队员和他们的助手建立纪念碑。该论文一方面揭示了历史经验地点与民众纪念地点的不一致,突出了白俄罗斯大屠杀对犹太历史及其记忆的破坏的影响。空间划分既反映了当地参与大屠杀的耻辱,也反映了损失的创伤。利用口述历史、档案材料和实地考察,