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Apprenticeship in the Renaissance University: Student authorship and craft knowledge
Science in Context Pub Date : 2019-08-08 , DOI: 10.1017/s0269889719000140
Richard J. Oosterhoff

ArgumentStudents entered Renaissance universities as apprentices in the craft of books. In the decades around 1500, such university training began to involve not only manuscript circulation, but also the production and the use of books in the new medium of print. Through their role in the crafting of books, I show how a circle of students around Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples gained the experience needed to become bookmen. Students took classroom manuscripts and brought them into print – the new print shop offered students a place in which to exchange labor for credibility as joint authors.



论据学生进入文艺复兴时期的大学作为书籍工艺的学徒。在大约 1500 年的几十年里,这种大学培训开始不仅涉及手稿流通,还涉及新印刷媒体中书籍的制作和使用。通过他们在书籍制作中的作用,我展示了 Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples 周围的一群学生如何获得成为书商所需的经验。学生们将课堂手稿带入印刷——新的印刷店为学生们提供了一个用劳力换取联合作者的可信度的场所。