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Contesting global gender equality norms: the case of Turkey
Review of International Studies ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-20 , DOI: 10.1017/s026021051900024x
Marella Bodur Ün

Over the past two decades, constructivist International Relations (IR) scholars have produced substantial knowledge on the diffusion and adoption of global norms, emphasising the role of Western norm entrepreneurs in constructing and promoting new norms to passive, generally non-Western, norm takers. An emergent literature on norm dynamics unsettles this narrative of linear progress, highlighting the agency of diverse actors, including the agency of non-Western norm entrepreneurs, in normative change. This article contributes to this recent norm research by exploring the normative agency of local actors in the Turkish context, who have actively engaged in normative contestation over the meaning of gender equality. More specifically, the article reveals the crucial role of a pro-government, conservative women's organisation in subverting global gender equality norms and in promoting a local norm of ‘gender justice’ as an alternative. The article furthers research on norm contestation by analysing the discursive strategies and justifications local norm makers have adopted in the Turkish context upon encountering norms that challenged their normative beliefs and practices. Finally, the article critically engages with postsecular feminism, highlighting the agency of a religiously informed, conservative women's organisation as a non-Western norm entrepreneur.



在过去的二十年中,建构主义国际关系 (IR) 学者对全球规范的传播和采用产生了丰富的知识,强调了西方规范企业家在为被动的、通常是非西方的规范接受者构建和推广新规范方面的作用。一种关于规范动态的新兴文献扰乱了这种线性进步的叙述,强调了各种行为者的能动性,包括非西方规范企业家的能动性,在规范性变化中。本文通过探索土耳其语境中当地行为者的规范机构,为最近的规范研究做出贡献,他们积极参与了关于性别平等含义的规范性争论。更具体地说,这篇文章揭示了亲政府、保守女性的关键作用。该组织颠覆了全球性别平等规范,并促进了当地的“性别公正”规范作为替代方案。本文通过分析当地规范制定者在遇到挑战其规范信仰和实践的规范时在土耳其语境中采用的话语策略和理由,进一步研究规范争论。最后,这篇文章批判性地探讨了后世俗女权主义,强调了一个具有宗教知识的保守女性组织作为非西方规范企业家的作用。本文通过分析当地规范制定者在遇到挑战其规范信仰和实践的规范时在土耳其语境中采用的话语策略和理由,进一步研究规范争论。最后,这篇文章批判性地探讨了后世俗女权主义,强调了一个具有宗教知识的保守女性组织作为非西方规范企业家的作用。本文通过分析当地规范制定者在遇到挑战其规范信仰和实践的规范时在土耳其语境中采用的话语策略和理由,进一步研究规范争论。最后,这篇文章批判性地探讨了后世俗女权主义,强调了一个具有宗教知识的保守女性组织作为非西方规范企业家的作用。