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On Verminous Life
Representations ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1525/rep.2019.148.1.86
Parama Roy

By the nineteenth century, models of just and civilized sociability in the Anglophone world came to encompass forms of obligation to the nonhuman, and the colony assumed the status of a crucial theater for thinking about forms of cruelty, sympathy, and protection. On the terrain of the Indian colony, this new moral economy of care and inclusion encountered an existing Indic economy of vegetarianism and nonkilling of animals, which it sought to cast, not as kindness to animals, but as a form of cruelty to them—of vegetarian cruelty if you will. Using John Lockwood Kipling’s Beast and Man in India (1891) as its text, the essay examines the encounter of these two contrasting economies of animal protection and animal cruelty, especially Kipling’s understanding of carnivory as the basis not only for human sociability but also of kindness to the nonhuman.



到19世纪,英语世界中公正和文明的社会交往模式已经包含了对非人类的义务形式,该殖民地已成为考虑残酷,同情和保护形式的重要战场。在印度殖民地的土地上,这种新的关爱和包容的道德经济遇到了现存的素食主义和不杀动物的印度经济,它试图将其不仅仅对动物友善,而是对动物的残酷对待。如果愿意的话,会残忍素食。本文以约翰·洛克伍德·吉卜林(John Lockwood Kipling)的《印度的野兽与人》(1891)为文本,考察了这两种截然不同的动物保护和虐待动物的经济遭遇,