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Elimination Politics
Public Culture ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-01 , DOI: 10.1215/08992363-7532655
Ilana Feldman

“We have the honour to congratulate His Majesty’s Empire for the decisive victory which His Forces has recently achieved.” So opened a May 1945 petition to the High Commissioner for Palestine from three Palestinians requesting clemency. They had, they said, been banished from their village of Beit Daras to Khan Yunis “for political doubts.” These political doubts almost certainly meant presumed participation in the Palestinian struggle for selfdetermination — a goal that required the end of both British Mandate rule and Zionist settlement in Palestine. Saying that they considered themselves subjects of the king, that they wished to “feel some of the happiness of such a great victory,” and furthermore that no crime had been proved against them, the men asked that the banishment order be canceled to let them “feel free under the recent victory, to return to our families and to be more loyal.”1 The charge against them was that they were oppositional political actors. Their petition tried to reject that categorization, asking that they be viewed instead as loyal, docile, and, therefore, free subjects. The fate of these individuals is not recorded in the le, but the punishment of Palestinians for political activity and the concomitant effort to render them docile subjects have been at the center of the now hundredyearlong settlercolonial condition in the country. Patrick Wolfe (2006: 388) has famously argued that the “elimination of the native” is a central aim of settler colonialism, and he further underscores that colonial invasion is a “structure rather than an event.” As he explains, elimination entails the dissolution of native societies and their replacement by a new colonial



“我们很荣幸地祝贺陛下的帝国最近取得了决定性的胜利。” 因此,1945 年 5 月,三名巴勒斯坦人向巴勒斯坦高级专员提交了一份请求宽大处理的请愿书。他们说,“出于政治疑虑”,他们被从 Beit Daras 村驱逐到汗尤尼斯。这些政治疑虑几乎可以肯定意味着假定参与了巴勒斯坦争取自决的斗争——这一目标要求结束英国托管统治和犹太复国主义在巴勒斯坦的定居点。说他们认为自己是国王的臣民,他们希望“感受到如此伟大胜利的一些幸福”,而且没有证明对他们有任何罪行,这些人要求取消驱逐令,让他们“在最近的胜利下感到自由,回到我们的家庭并更加忠诚。”1 对他们的指控是他们是反对派的政治行为者。他们的请愿书试图拒绝这种分类,要求将他们视为忠诚、温顺、因此是自由的主体。这些人的命运没有记录在 le 中,但巴勒斯坦人因政治活动而受到的惩罚以及随之而来的使他们成为温顺臣民的努力一直是该国现在长达百年的定居点殖民状况的核心。帕特里克·沃尔夫 (Patrick Wolfe) (2006: 388) 曾著名地认为“消灭土著”是定居者殖民主义的中心目标,他进一步强调殖民入侵是一种“结构而不是事件”。正如他所解释的,消除意味着土著社会的解体,并被新的殖民社会所取代。