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The Ground Was Always in Play
Public Culture ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-11-28 , DOI: 10.1215/08992363-3644373
Madiha Tahir

The thing is, I’ve never been to Laarh. Till some months ago, I didn’t even know it existed. Then, one warm morning, a man turned up in Islamabad carrying his tale and his place, and I spent the next several weeks springing the name on people I met, friends, reporters, refugees, and acquaintances, in the hopes of scaring some information from them. Every outsider to this warbitten region knows this experience. For the past decade, the conflict has been churning and ploughing the ground in the border zone till it convulsed and threw places into view, some valleys so hopelessly beautiful you couldn’t believe the stories, the titan clashes, how bodies, guts, and bone had rotted there till the land consumed them, places where the war had lacerated the land into stillness, dusty towns undergoing “security operations,” empty villages standing strange and serious, pakka (built) road, kaccha (unfinished) trail, brushland, heath, pasture, scrabbled earth where the ground was always in a state of play.1 Once, standing on a riverbank where we had come to drink in the scenery, a friend casually pointed a stone’s throw away into the tall, green grass “over


