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The Exceptional Prison
Public Culture ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-01 , DOI: 10.1215/08992363-7532775
Samira Bueno , Graham Denyer Willis

We walk through an arched pergola draped with passionfruit vines. “Everything happens for a reason,” says Luis,1 the military police officer walking with the two of us. In the distance, gunfire crackles in occasional bursts from a training ground behind a grove of citrus trees. “He killed eight people . . . all while off duty.” Luis is speaking of someone who has turned his life around. He’s been rehabilitated. “He isn’t one of those people, you know, the corrupt kind . . . he was taking justice into his own hands, you know?” His eyes seek recognition. Pedro is a good person now, right? Pedro, a convicted mass murder and also a military police officer, later shows us around the apiary. “I got lost in the emotion,” he says. Pedro goes on to tell us, again, about how he ended up here twelve years ago. Sentenced to more than one hundred years in prison, he had gone on a killing spree. Off the job, and over the course of a year, he “cleaned” a poor neighborhood on the north side of a major city. Unable to control the thrill of killing, he misstepped, getting in trouble for such extreme violence. “Try my honey,” he says. “Everything in it is natural. The sugar for the hives comes from cane. The starter beeswax I order. The pollen . . . is pollen.” The honey is really good, and Pedro is very personable. As he shows us a dead queen bee with its wing squeezed delicately between tweezers, and later stings himself



我们穿过一个拱形凉棚,上面挂满了百香果藤蔓。“一切都是有原因的,”路易斯说,1 与我们两人同行的宪兵。在远处,柑橘树丛后面的训练场偶尔会发出噼啪声。“他杀了八个人。. . 一直在下班。” 路易斯说的是一个改变了他生活的人。他已经康复了。“他不是那些人中的一员,你知道的,腐败的那种。. . 他在为自己伸张正义,你知道吗?” 他的眼睛寻求认可。佩德罗现在是个好人,对吧?佩德罗是一名被定罪的大屠杀,也是一名宪兵,后来带我们参观了养蜂场。“我迷失在情感中,”他说。佩德罗继续告诉我们,他十二年前是如何来到这里的。被判处一百多年徒刑后,他开始疯狂杀人。离开工作,在一年的时间里,他“清理”了一个大城市北侧的一个贫困社区。无法控制杀戮的快感,他走错了一步,因为如此极端的暴力而陷入困境。“尝尝我的宝贝,”他说。“里面的一切都是自然的。荨麻疹的糖来自甘蔗。我订购的起始蜂蜡。花粉。. . 是花粉。” 蜂蜜真的很好,佩德罗很风度翩翩。当他向我们展示一只死去的蜂王时,它的翅膀被镊子轻轻挤压,然后刺伤了自己 因如此极端的暴力而惹上麻烦。“尝尝我的宝贝,”他说。“里面的一切都是自然的。荨麻疹的糖来自甘蔗。我订购的起始蜂蜡。花粉。. . 是花粉。” 蜂蜜真的很好,佩德罗很风度翩翩。当他向我们展示一只死去的蜂王时,它的翅膀被镊子轻轻挤压,然后刺伤了自己 因如此极端的暴力而惹上麻烦。“尝尝我的宝贝,”他说。“里面的一切都是自然的。荨麻疹的糖来自甘蔗。我订购的起始蜂蜡。花粉。. . 是花粉。” 蜂蜜真的很好,佩德罗很风度翩翩。当他向我们展示一只死去的蜂王时,它的翅膀被镊子轻轻挤压,然后刺伤了自己