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Exile and Plurality in Neoliberal Times
Public Culture ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-01 , DOI: 10.1215/08992363-7286801
Seçkin Sertdemir Özdemir , Nil Mutluer , Esra Özyürek

Today thousands of academics from Turkey, along with others from Syria, Iran, and Egypt are deserting their homeland in search of intellectual refuge in Western countries. These exiled academics have been attempting to practice diverse forms of teaching and researching, both in Turkey and in exile. We argue that the struggles of oppositional academics inside and outside Turkey today offer insight into the nature of the global crisis in neoliberal academia based on precarious working conditions of knowledge producers and commodification of education. Some of the answers to this crisis may lie, as they did in the 1930s and 1940s, in the hands of those same persecuted scholars who bring with them academic perspectives forged in oppressive regimes. In a short period of time Academics for Peace accomplished two goals. They have resisted through peaceful, anti-violent civil disobedience the political pressure brought to bear upon them by the increasingly authoritarian Turkish government, daring to demand and then create a new, more plural public Turkish space. Second, they have dared, even in the face of academic and civic precariousness, to take a critical stance toward the marketization and hierarchization of Turkish and European universities and in response to forge new autonomous ways of teaching and researching in their home and host countries. An approach that goes beyond humanitarianizing the sup-port given to dissident academics has the potential to pluralize academy.



今天,来自土耳其的数千名学者,以及来自叙利亚、伊朗和埃及的其他学者正在逃离家园,在西方国家寻找知识避难所。这些流亡的学者一直试图在土耳其和流亡中实践各种形式的教学和研究。我们认为,今天土耳其国内外反对派学者的斗争提供了洞察新自由主义学术界基于知识生产者不稳定的工作条件和教育商品化的全球危机的性质。这场危机的一些答案可能就像他们在 1930 和 1940 年代所做的那样,掌握在那些受迫害的学者手中,他们带来了在压迫政权中形成的学术观点。在短时间内,Academics for Peace 实现了两个目标。他们通过和平、反暴力的公民抗命抵制日益专制的土耳其政府给他们带来的政治压力,敢于要求并创造一个新的、更多元化的土耳其公共空间。其次,即使面对学术和公民的不稳定,他们也敢于对土耳其和欧洲大学的市场化和等级化采取批判性立场,以应对在本国和东道国建立新的自主教学和研究方式。一种超越对持不同政见者的支持人道主义化的方法有可能使学术多元化。更多元化的公共土耳其空间。其次,即使在学术和公民不稳定的情况下,他们也敢于对土耳其和欧洲大学的市场化和等级化采取批判性立场,以应对在本国和东道国建立新的自主教学和研究方式。一种超越对持不同政见者的支持人道主义化的方法有可能使学术多元化。更多元化的公共土耳其空间。其次,即使在学术和公民不稳定的情况下,他们也敢于对土耳其和欧洲大学的市场化和等级化采取批判性立场,以应对在本国和东道国建立新的自主教学和研究方式。一种超越对持不同政见者的支持人道主义化的方法有可能使学术多元化。