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Palestinian State Maps and Imperial Technologies of Staying Put
Public Culture ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-11-28 , DOI: 10.1215/08992363-3644397
Jess Bier

textabstractMaps are considered to be an ultimate expression of modernity. Empirical cartography plays a central role in daily governance, and it also has a long history of furthering displacement and erasure. In this article I argue that the landscapes of historic British colonialism and the ongoing Israeli occupation influence the digital maps made by the Palestinian Authority. Through an investigation into the borders, roads, and urban areas of one such map and its related scientific practices, I analyze how knowledge of the occupation is shaped by the occupation. Drawing upon widespread Palestinian efforts to strengthen sumud (steadfastness), I develop the concept of stasis as the ability to remain in place. Researchers have rightly pointed to restrictions on Palestinians’ movements, but greater attention should be paid to attempts to limit stasis, both within and beyond the West Bank. The detailed study of mobility and stasis, as well as other material asymmetries of research, can enable more imaginative maps and more heterogeneous passages for the production of knowledge.



textabstractMaps 被认为是现代性的终极表达。经验制图在日常治理中发挥着核心作用,它在推动位移和擦除方面也有着悠久的历史。在本文中,我认为历史悠久的英国殖民主义和持续的以色列占领影响了巴勒斯坦权力机构制作的数字地图。通过对此类地图的边界、道路和城市区域及其相关科学实践的调查,我分析了职业知识是如何被职业塑造的。借鉴巴勒斯坦人为加强 sumud(坚定性)所做的广泛努力,我将停滞的概念发展为保持原状的能力。研究人员正确地指出了对巴勒斯坦人行动的限制,但应更加注意限制西岸内外的停滞不前的努力。对流动性和停滞性的详细研究,以及研究的其他物质不对称性,可以为知识的生产提供更具想象力的地图和更多异质的通道。