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The Ottoman institution of petitioning when the sultan no longer reigned: a view from post-1908 Ottoman Palestine
New Perspectives on Turkey ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-04-21 , DOI: 10.1017/npt.2017.6
Yuval Ben-Bassat

The Young Turk Revolution of 1908 helped transform the time-honored Ottoman petitioning system. The reinstatement of parliamentary life, the reintroduction of the suspended constitution of 1876, and the lifting of the ban on the press and political action all generated profound political and social changes. Subjects’ petitions reflected these changes vividly and in often surprising detail. As the sultan became a figurehead with little actual power, petitions which hitherto had been addressed to the sultan either directly or through the grand vizier and had requested his benevolence and mercy, while also granting him much needed legitimacy, now began to be sent instead to the Council of State (Şura-yı Devlet), the parliament, and various government ministries. Their content changed as well, as will be shown in this article through an analysis of dozens of petitions from Ottoman Palestine. Petitions now sought to obtain political rights and ensure civil equity and constitutional rights. In focusing on rights, the rule of law, and the deficiencies of the former system, the petitions echoed changes in popular discourse and mirrored the transformation from justice as a sultanic prerogative to constitutional and civil law.


苏丹不再统治时的奥斯曼请愿制度:来自 1908 年后奥斯曼巴勒斯坦的观点

1908 年的青年土耳其革命帮助改变了历史悠久的奥斯曼请愿制度。议会生活的恢复、1876年中止宪法的重新实施以及对新闻和政治行动的禁令的解除,都产生了深刻的政治和社会变革。对象的请愿生动地反映了这些变化,而且往往令人惊讶的细节。随着苏丹成为一个没有实际权力的傀儡,迄今为止直接或通过大维齐尔向苏丹提出的请愿书要求他的仁慈和怜悯,同时也给予他急需的合法性,现在开始改为发送给国务委员会(Şura-yı Devlet)、议会和政府各部委。他们的内容也发生了变化,本文将通过分析来自奥斯曼巴勒斯坦的数十份请愿书来说明这一点。现在的请愿书寻求获得政治权利并确保公民公平和宪法权利。在关注权利、法治和前制度的缺陷时,请愿书呼应了大众话语的变化,反映了司法从作为苏丹特权到宪法和民法的转变。