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Exploring urban agriculture as a component of multifunctional green infrastructure: Application of figure-ground plans as a spatial analysis tool
Moravian Geographical Reports ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-01 , DOI: 10.1515/mgr-2017-0018
Attila Tóth 1 , Axel Timpe 2

Abstract Using ‘Urban Atlas’ as a data source, the authors present and critically discuss in this paper the application of figure-ground plans in combination with complex land-use maps as a tool for spatial analysis of urban agriculture in European cities and their multifunctional green infrastructure. The selected cities and metropolitan areas (including Dublin, Ruhr Metropolis, Geneva and Sofia) represent different regions in Europe from the Northwest to the Southeast. Urban fabric, agriculture and non-agricultural open spaces have been analysed and compared as the main land-use components. Agricultural open spaces include arable land with annual crops and permanent crops, such as vineyards, fruit trees and olive groves; pastures; as well as complex and mixed cultivation patterns. The results reveal the scale and land-use diversity of metropolitan regions and different spatial patterns of urban agriculture at the regional level and in central urban areas.



摘要作者以“城市地图集”为数据源,提出并批判性地讨论了将地物平面图与复杂的土地利用图相结合的应用,以此作为欧洲城市中城市农业空间分析及其多功能的工具绿色基础设施。选定的城市和大都市地区(包括都柏林,鲁尔都会,日内瓦和索非亚)代表了欧洲从西北到东南的不同地区。分析并比较了城市结构,农业和非农业开放空间,将其作为主要的土地利用成分。农业开放空间包括一年生作物和永久作物的耕地,例如葡萄园,果树和橄榄树;牧场 以及复杂混合的栽培模式。