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Restricting the Juror Franchise in 1920s England and Wales
Law and History Review ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-04 , DOI: 10.1017/s0738248018000639
K Crosby

This article argues that the juror franchise became more restrictive in the years immediately after the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919 had broadened the jury franchise so as to include some women. It argues that the subsequent restrictions on the jury franchise have not standardly been discussed in the literature on the twentieth century jury because of the lengths taken at the time to present these reforms as merely technical in nature. Only six months after the 1919 Act was passed, a dispute broke out at the Western assize circuit regarding the practice–apparently sanctioned in the Juries Act 1825–of towns which “possessed” their own assizes summoning jurors according to custom, rather than statute. In practice, this meant that the ten “assize boroughs” had not always observed the property qualifications when summoning their jurors. The judiciary eventually prevailed over the Home Office and a series of local officials, ending the assize boroughs' ability to ignore the property qualifications (which kept a disproportionate number of women off the jury). This reform brought its own problems, however, and brought into focus the expense involved in following the burdensome rules for identifying jurors as set out in the 1825 Act. The solution–basing juror qualification on electoral registration–excluded from jury service conscientious objectors, foreigners, and women who satisfied the property qualification rules but lived elsewhere with a male relative.


1920 年代英格兰和威尔士限制陪审员特权

本文认为,在 1919 年《性别取消资格(移除)法》扩大陪审团的范围以包括一些女性之后的几年里,陪审员的特权变得更加严格。它认为,随后对陪审团特权的限制并没有在关于 20 世纪陪审团的文献中进行标准讨论,因为当时花了很长时间将这些改革仅仅描述为技术性的。1919 年法案通过仅六个月后,西方巡回巡回法庭就这种做法(显然在 1825 年《陪审团法案》中得到批准)爆发了一场争议,这些城镇“拥有”自己的巡回法院,根据惯例而不是法规来召集陪审员。实际上,这意味着十个“巡查区”在召集陪审员时并不总是遵守财产资格。司法机构最终战胜了内政部和一系列地方官员,结束了巡回行政区无视财产资格的能力(这使得陪审团中的女性人数不成比例)。然而,这项改革也带来了其自身的问题,并突出了遵循 1825 年法案中规定的确定陪审员的繁琐规则所涉及的费用。以选举登记为基础的陪审员资格的解决方案将出于良心拒服兵役者、外国人和满足财产资格规定但与男性亲属住在别处的妇女排除在陪审团之外。然而,这项改革也带来了其自身的问题,并突出了遵循 1825 年法案中规定的确定陪审员的繁琐规则所涉及的费用。以选举登记为基础的陪审员资格的解决方案将出于良心拒服兵役者、外国人和满足财产资格规定但与男性亲属住在别处的妇女排除在陪审团之外。然而,这项改革也带来了其自身的问题,并突出了遵循 1825 年法案中规定的确定陪审员的繁琐规则所涉及的费用。以选举登记为基础的陪审员资格的解决方案将出于良心拒服兵役者、外国人和满足财产资格规定但与男性亲属住在别处的妇女排除在陪审团之外。