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Increasing Implementation Fidelity for School-Based Drug Abuse Prevention: Effectiveness of Enhanced Training and Technical Assistance
Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-01 , DOI: 10.1086/700972
Gilbert J. Botvin , Kenneth W. Griffin , Caroline Botvin , Madhuvanti Murphy , Bianca Acevedo

Objective: A substantial barrier to translating prevention science into practice is the potential for low implementation fidelity when evidence-based interventions are delivered in real-world settings. This study tested the extent to which enhanced training and technical assistance can improve implementation fidelity of LifeSkills Training, an evidence-based drug abuse prevention program. Method: We recruited and randomly assigned middle schools (N = 34) to either a standard provider training condition or a fidelity-enhancement (FE) condition. Teachers in both conditions participated in a standard 1-day training session led by a certified trainer. Teachers in the FE condition received supplemental training and technical assistance (TA), which included planning workbooks, interactive DVD training tools, just-in-time e-mail reminders, and access to TA via the Internet and telephone. Trained coders rated videotapes of classroom teachers implementing curriculum sessions. An intent-to-treat analysis included all videotapes received, including sessions that were only partially implemented or videotaped. Results: Teachers in the FE condition covered significantly more curriculum points and objectives, taught longer sessions, and spent more time using facilitated group discussion and skills practice than teachers in the standard condition. Conclusions: Findings suggest that providing program providers with planning tools and telephone, e-mail and Internet-based TA can significantly enhance implementation fidelity.



目标:当在现实环境中提供基于证据的干预措施时,将预防科学转化为实践的主要障碍是实施保真度低的可能性。这项研究测试了增强的培训和技术援助可以在多大程度上提高“生命技能培训”(一项循证预防药物滥用计划)的实施准确性。方法:我们招募并随机分配了初中(N = 34),使其达到标准提供者培训条件或保真度(FE)条件。两种情况下的老师都参加了由一名合格的培训师主持的为期1天的标准培训班。处于FE状态的教师接受了补充培训和技术援助(TA),其中包括规划工作簿,交互式DVD培训工具,即时电子邮件提醒,并通过互联网和电话访问TA。受过培训的编码员对实施课程的课堂教师的录像带进行了评级。意向治疗分析包括收到的所有录像带,包括仅部分实施或录像的会议。结果:与标准条件下的教师相比,处于FE条件下的教师涵盖了更多的课程要点和目标,讲授了更长的课程,并且在便利的小组讨论和技能练习上花费了更多的时间。结论:研究结果表明,为计划提供者提供计划工具以及基于电话,电子邮件和基于Internet的TA可以显着提高实施保真度。意向治疗分析包括收到的所有录像带,包括仅部分实施或录像的会议。结果:与标准条件下的教师相比,处于FE条件下的教师涵盖了更多的课程要点和目标,讲授了更长的课程,并且在便利的小组讨论和技能练习上花费了更多的时间。结论:研究结果表明,为计划提供者提供计划工具以及基于电话,电子邮件和基于Internet的TA可以显着提高实施保真度。意向治疗分析包括收到的所有录像带,包括仅部分实施或录像的会议。结果:与标准条件下的教师相比,处于FE条件下的教师涵盖了更多的课程要点和目标,讲授了更长的课程,并且在便利的小组讨论和技能练习上花费了更多的时间。结论:研究结果表明,为计划提供者提供计划工具以及基于电话,电子邮件和基于Internet的TA可以显着提高实施保真度。与在标准情况下的老师相比,使用便利的小组讨论和技能练习花费的时间更多。结论:研究结果表明,为计划提供者提供计划工具以及基于电话,电子邮件和基于Internet的TA可以显着提高实施保真度。与在标准情况下的老师相比,使用便利的小组讨论和技能练习花费的时间更多。结论:研究结果表明,为计划提供者提供计划工具以及基于电话,电子邮件和基于Internet的TA可以显着提高实施保真度。