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Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Matthew O. Howard as a Mentor and His Influence on the Science of Mindfulness as a Treatment for Addiction
Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.1086/702654
Eric L. Garland

t is difficult to estimate the impact of a scholar. Conventional metrics such as citation counts, h-indexes, publications in top-tier journals, and federal grants all provide some objective indication of scholarly impact, but these indices fail to capture the holistic and historical context of a scholar’s influence on the development and emergence of entire fields of inquiry. To obtain a more comprehensive sense of scholarly impact, a reviewer with close knowledge of both the scholar and the field is required. As his student and colleague, I believe that Matthew Owen Howard, PhD, exerted a singular influence on social work research, and his scholarly efforts helped give rise to a new and critically important field of scientific investigation: the study of mindfulness as a treatment for addiction. Matthew was, simply put, a giant of social work research. With more than 8,866 citations and an h-index of 55 (as of January 9, 2019), and having served several terms as editor-in-chief of peer-reviewed journals and on more than 50 editorial boards and at least 12 National Institutes of Health (NIH) study sections, Matthew’s scholarly efforts had a significant impact on broad domains of science, including the study of addiction, mental health, and evidence-based practice. His early research grew out of his clinical experience treating alcoholism with chemical aversion therapy. Later, Matthew studied the epidemiology of psychiatric and substance use disorders, and he subsequently became one of the world’s leading experts on inhalant abuse (Howard, Bowen, & Garland, 2015), work for which the National Institute on Drug Abuse awarded him both R03 (No. R03DA15929) and R01 (No. R01DA021405) grants as principal investigator. During this time, Matthew had been a faculty member at some of the most prestigious universities in


站在巨人的肩膀上:马修·霍华德(Matthew O. Howard)作为导师及其对正念科学的影响(成瘾疗法)

很难估计学者的影响。常规指标,例如引文计数,h指数,顶级期刊上的出版物以及联邦拨款,都提供了客观的学术影响力指标,但这些指标未能反映出学者对发展和出现的影响的整体和历史背景整个调查领域。为了获得更全面的学术影响力,需要具有学者和专业知识的审阅者。作为他的学生和同事,我相信Matthew Owen Howard博士对社会工作研究产生了独特的影响,他的学术努力帮助兴起了一个新的且至关重要的科学研究领域:研究正念作为治疗精神疾病的方法。瘾。简而言之,马修是 社会工作研究的巨人。截止到2019年1月9日,被引用次数超过8866次,h指数为55,并曾多次担任同行评审期刊的主编,并在50多个编辑委员会和至少12个国家研究所中任职在健康(NIH)研究部分中,马修的学术努力对广泛的科学领域产生了重大影响,包括对成瘾,心理健康和循证实践的研究。他的早期研究源于他通过化学厌恶疗法治疗酒精中毒的临床经验。后来,马修研究了精神病和药物滥用疾病的流行病学,随后他成为了世界上最主要的吸入性滥用专家之一(霍华德,鲍恩和加兰,2015年),国家药物滥用研究所授予他两项R03 (没有。R03DA15929)和R01(编号R01DA021405)为主要研究人员。在此期间,马修曾在美国一些最负盛名的大学任教