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Influence of library relocation and marketing: examining zip codes and health disparities to serve consumers in East Tennessee
Journal of the Medical Library Association ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.5195/jmla.2020.965
David W Petersen 1 , Martha Earl 2 , Cameron Watson 3 , Kelsey Grabeel 4

Background: In 2014, the Preston Medical Library underwent a radical change, moving from an academic office building to the main floor of a regional medical center. While the library had previously served the public, health information requests have substantially increased in volume due to the new location. Researchers analyzed request data to see if the service's reach has expanded to counties that previously had not used the service, to see which counties have requested the most health information, and to ascertain whether more requests are from counties with higher poverty rates. Case Presentation: Each health information request is logged with the subject nature and patron contact information. Consumer health request data were downloaded from the library database. Names and other identifying data were removed. Request forms were sorted and reviewed by zip code and county, comparing number of requests as well as poverty levels. Tableau was utilized to create maps, visually showing patron concentrations and poverty levels. Conclusions: There were 3,141 health information requests from September 21, 2014, to May 31, 2019. The majority of requests were from local counties. Requests were also received from counties that had not been previously reached and counties with elevated poverty levels. Collecting data on patron interactions is not only critical for institutional reporting, but also for community outreach. Understanding that data require taking additional steps to filter the information, assess local demographics, and customize library services. Researchers anticipate being able to better tailor services to the community based on the results.



背景:2014 年,普雷斯顿医学图书馆发生了翻天覆地的变化,从学术办公楼搬到了地区医疗中心的主楼。虽然图书馆以前曾为公众服务,但由于新位置,健康信息请求的数量大幅增加。研究人员分析了请求数据,以查看该服务的覆盖范围是否已扩展到以前未使用该服务的县,查看哪些县请求的健康信息最多,并确定是否有更多请求来自贫困率较高的县。病例介绍:每个健康信息请求都记录有主题性质和顾客联系信息。消费者健康请求数据是从图书馆数据库下载的。姓名和其他识别数据被删除。申请表按邮政编码和县分类和审查,比较申请数量和贫困程度。Tableau 用于创建地图,直观地显示顾客集中度和贫困程度。结论:从 2014 年 9 月 21 日到 2019 年 5 月 31 日,共有 3,141 份健康信息请求。大部分请求来自当地县。还收到了以前未达到的县和贫困水平较高的县的请求。收集顾客互动数据不仅对机构报告至关重要,而且对社区外展也很重要。了解这些数据需要采取额外的步骤来过滤信息、评估当地人口统计数据并定制图书馆服务。研究人员预计能够根据结果更好地为社区定制服务。