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A World No Longer Shared
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-09 , DOI: 10.1163/15685209-12341418
James McDougall 1

The rupture of modernity in the nineteenth century, the ‘disembedding and recombination’ of social space and the new production of local place and global order that it occasioned, are perhaps nowhere more visible than in its most classic location, as expressed by Baudelaire and Benjamin, the city. The ‘city’, that is, both political and physical, the cite of the Enlightenment philosophes that had also belonged to a deep Mediterranean genealogy of political thought, back through the ‘umrān of Ibn Khaldun to the polis of Aristotle: the functional and ideological centre of governance, civility, law and learning, the local hub of far-flung patterns of production and exchange, the space in which public affairs could be transacted by those who recognised each other as equals.



正如鲍德莱尔和本杰明所表达的那样,在十九世纪现代性的破裂,社会空间的“去嵌入和重新组合”以及它所引起的当地和全球秩序的新产生,也许在最经典的位置上没有比这更明显的了。 , 城市。“城市”,即政治的和物质的,都是启蒙运动哲学的例子,它也属于地中海深厚的政治思想家谱,从伊本·哈勒敦的“乌姆兰”一直到亚里斯多德大都会:功能和意识形态治理,文明,法律和学习的中心,广泛的生产和交流模式的本地枢纽,相互承认平等的人可以进行公共事务的空间。