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Measuring low-stress connectivity in terms of bike-accessible jobs and potential bike-to-work trips: A case study evaluating alternative bike route alignments in northern Delaware
Journal of Transport and Land Use ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-22 , DOI: 10.5198/jtlu.2018.1159
Peter G Furth , Theja VVK Putta , Paul Moser

When road segments with high traffic stress are excluded, the remaining network of low-stress roads and trails can be fragmented, lacking connections between many origin-destination pairs or requiring onerous detour. Low-stress connectivity is a measure of the degree to which origins (for this study, homes) and destinations (jobs) can be connected using only low-stress links and without excessive detour. Revision 2.0 to Level of Traffic Stress criteria is introduced and applied to the road and trail network of northern Delaware. A propensity model is proposed to reflect people’s declining willingness to ride a bike with greater trip length and detour, accounting for the impact to health and other benefits of cycling. New connectivity measures are introduced that can be interpreted as the number of bike-accessible jobs and the potential number of bike-to-work trips, powerful measures for evaluating alternatives. These connectivity measures are applied in a case study evaluating alternative alignments for a bike route between Wilmington and Newark, Delaware’s two largest cities, separated by a distance of about 20 km through a largely suburban landscape. The case study explores the benefits of enhancing alternatives with branches that help connect to population and employment centers. We also find that the connectivity gain from constructing multiple alignments is greater than the sum of connectivity gains from individual alignments, indicating that complementarity between the alternatives, which are spaced roughly 5 km apart, overshadows any competition between them.



如果排除交通压力较大的路段,则其余的低应力道路和小径网络可能会变得支离破碎,许多起点/终点对之间缺乏连接或需要繁重的弯路。低压力连通性是仅使用低压力链接而不会过度绕行的起点(对于本研究而言,房屋)和目的地(工作)之间可连接程度的度量。引入了针对交通压力等级标准的修订版2.0,并将其应用于特拉华州北部的道路和步道网络。提出了一种倾向模型,以反映人们骑自行车的意愿下降,行程长度和绕行时间增加的原因,这考虑到了对健康的影响和骑自行车的其他好处。引入了新的连接性度量,这些度量可以解释为可访问自行车的工作数量以及潜在的自行车上班旅行次数,是评估替代方案的有力措施。在案例研究中应用了这些连通性度量,以评估在威尔明顿和特拉华州两个最大城市纽瓦克之间的自行车路线的替代路线,该路线通过大致的郊区景观隔开约20公里的距离。案例研究探讨了通过分支机构增强人口与就业中心联系的替代方案的好处。我们还发现,构建多个路线的连通性收益大于单个路线的连通性收益之和,这表明替代方案之间的互补性大约相距5 km,