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Gender-Specific Predictors of Recidivism Among DUI Offenders
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-01 , DOI: 10.15288/jsad.2019.80.641
Angela A. Robertson 1 , Qian M. Zhou 2 , Andrew Tatch 1 , Melanie Walsh 1

OBJECTIVE Women are less likely than men to be arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or another drug, yet their proportion of DUI offenders is growing. Understanding how DUI recidivism risk varies for men and women is of practical utility for DUI assessment and intervention programs. The goals of the current study are to determine if there are different sets of predictors for men and women and whether gender-specific DUI recidivism risk scales perform better than a single recidivism scale for both men and women. METHOD We rely on statistically driven techniques to develop gender-specific and total sample recidivism risk scales. We then test the ability of the scales to predict recidivism within 12 months among a large sample (N = 10,827, 22.3% female) of DUI offenders court mandated to a DUI intervention in Mississippi. RESULTS Predictors of recidivism were drawn from measures of criminal history, substance use disorders, driving behaviors, and accidents. Gender-specific models yielded different sets of recidivism risk factors for men and women, with minimal overlap between the two. Male risk factors were criminal history and heavy alcohol consumption. For women, evidence of a substance use disorder was a unique predictor. Having a prior DUI arrest, driving behaviors, and a physical health consequence of alcohol or drug use (i.e., weight loss) were shared predictors for both sexes. CONCLUSIONS Findings suggest that within broad categories of risk factors, the predictive validity of specific assessment items may vary by sex. Our methods represent progression toward more efficient prediction of DUI recidivists.



目标在酒精或其他药物的影响下,女性被捕的可能性比男性低,但其女性罪犯的比例正在增加。理解DUI累犯风险如何因人而异对于DUI评估和干预计划具有实用价值。当前研究的目标是确定男女是否有不同的预测指标集,以及针对男女的DUI累犯风险量表是否优于单一累犯量表。方法我们依靠统计驱动的技术来制定针对性别的和总样本累犯风险量表。然后,我们在被要求对密西西比州DUI进行干预的DUI罪犯法院的大量样本(N = 10,827,女性22.3%)中,测试了该量表预测12个月内再次发生的能力。结果累犯的预测因素来自犯罪记录,吸毒障碍,驾驶行为和事故。针对性别的模型产生了男女不同的累犯危险因素集,两者之间的重叠最小。男性危险因素是犯罪史和重度饮酒。对于女性而言,物质使用障碍的证据是唯一的预测因素。事先将DUI逮捕,驾驶行为以及饮酒或吸毒对身体健康的影响(即体重减轻)是男女共同的预测因素。结论研究结果表明,在广泛的危险因素类别中,特定评估项目的预测有效性可能因性别而异。我们的方法代表了对DUI累犯的更有效预测的进展。