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The Internet Revolution in the Sciences and Humanities by Alan G. Gross and Joseph E. HarmonAlan G. Gross and Joseph E. Harmon.. The Internet Revolution in the Sciences and Humanities. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. Pp. xx, 248. Paper: isbn-13 978-0-19-046593-3, us$26.95. Cloth: isbn-13 978-0-19-046592-6, us$105.00. eBook: isbn-13 978-0-19-046594-0, us$25.99.
Journal of Scholarly Publishing ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.3138/jsp.49.2.br3
Robert Brown

know the rules will be poor players. Write No Matter What was fun to read and is very informative. Indeed, I read it with the sort of enthusiasm normally reserved for a new novel by a favourite author. It has ideas that I have already introduced into my writing strategy and tactics, and I was already highly productive. Anyone who finds giving excuses easier than writing papers should read Jensen; they stand to be educated. Yes, I am talking to you.


Alan G. Gross 和 Joseph E. HarmonAlan G. Gross 和 Joseph E. Harmon 的科学和人文科学中的互联网革命。科学和人文科学中的互联网革命。纽约:牛津大学出版社,2016 年。Pp。xx, 248. 论文:isbn-13 978-0-19-046593-3,26.95 美元。布:isbn-13 978-0-19-046592-6,105.00 美元。电子书:isbn-13 978-0-19-046594-0,25.99 美元。

知道规则的玩家会很差。写无所谓什么读起来很有趣,而且信息量很大。确实,我以一种通常为喜欢的作者的新小说保留的那种热情阅读它。它有我已经引入到我的写作策略和策略中的想法,并且我已经非常高效了。任何发现找借口比写论文更容易的人都应该阅读 Jensen;他们需要接受教育。是的,我正在和你说话。