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Shifting Sands: Zionism & American Jewry
Journal of Palestine Studies ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1525/jps.2019.48.2.79
Barry Trachtenberg , Kyle Stanton

The current willingness of major American Jewish organizations and leaders to dismiss the threat from white supremacists in the name of supporting Israel represents a new stage in the shifting relationship of U.S. Jews toward Zionism. In the first stage, during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the majority of U.S. Jews did not take to Zionism, as its goals seemed antithetical to their aspirations to join mainstream American society. In a second stage, attitudes toward Zionism grew more positive as conditions for European Jews worsened, and Jewish settlement in Palestine grew substantially. Following Israeli statehood in 1948, U.S. Jews began gradually to support Israel. Jewish groups and leaders increasingly characterized criticism of Zionism as inherently anti-Semitic and attacked Israel9s critics. In a third and most recent stage, many major Jewish organizations and leaders have subordinated the traditional U.S. Jewish interest in combatting white supremacy and bigotry when it comes into conflict with support for Israel and Zionism.



目前美国主要犹太组织和领导人愿意以支持以色列的名义消除白人至上主义者的威胁,这代表了美国犹太人向犹太复国主义转变的新阶段。在第一阶段,在 19 世纪末和 20 世纪初,大多数美国犹太人并没有接受犹太复国主义,因为其目标似乎与他们加入美国主流社会的愿望背道而驰。在第二阶段,随着欧洲犹太人的处境恶化,巴勒斯坦的犹太人定居点大幅增加,对犹太复国主义的态度变得更加积极。1948 年以色列建国后,美国犹太人开始逐渐支持以色列。犹太团体和领导人越来越多地把对犹太复国主义的批评定性为本质上的反犹太主义,并攻击以色列的批评者。