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Review: From the River to the Sea: Palestine and Israel in the Shadow of “Peace,” edited by Mandy Turner
Journal of Palestine Studies ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1525/jps.2020.49.2.94
Maia Carter Hallward 1

From the River to the Sea: Palestine and Israel in the Shadow of “Peace,” edited by Mandy Turner. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2019. 354 pages. $110.00 cloth, $104.50 e-book. From the River to the Sea examines the current context of various communities in Israel/Palestine more than twenty-five years after the Oslo Accords. While the contributors vary in their views regarding what the future holds for the region, they approach the topic as “an unjust and violent colonial situation that must be documented, opposed and resolved in a way that advances human dignity and rights” (p. x). This is not an introductory-level text, but rather is aimed at those with basic knowledge about the region, given the authors' sophisticated arguments and detailed discussions that involve a range of political actors, agreements, and geographical contexts. In keeping with the principle that research can be “objective” but cannot be “neutral” (p. ix), the contributors in this volume critically examine the “victor's peace” that has resulted from the Oslo process. More specifically, the authors seek to transform international public perception of the situation through their scholarship (p. x). The book's eleven chapters can be divided into three sections. The first four chapters provide a critical examination of the Oslo agreements and their consequences for Palestinians, with chapters that explore the impact of the Oslo Accords on local Palestinian politics and economy. The second section explores …



从河流到海洋:“和平”阴影下的巴勒斯坦和以色列,曼迪·特纳编辑。马里兰州 Lanham:列克星敦图书,2019 年。354 页。布 110.00 美元,电子书 104.50 美元。《从河流到海洋》考察了奥斯陆协议签署 25 多年后以色列/巴勒斯坦各个社区的当前背景。尽管撰稿人对该地区的未来抱有不同的看法,但他们将这一主题视为“一种不公正和暴力的殖民局势,必须以促进人类尊严和权利的方式加以记录、反对和解决”(第 x 页)。 )。鉴于作者复杂的论点和涉及一系列政治行为者、协议和地理背景的详细讨论,这不是介绍性的文本,而是针对那些具有该地区基本知识的人。本着研究可以是“客观的”但不能是“中立的”(第 ix 页)这一原则,本书的撰稿人批判性地审视了奥斯陆进程所带来的“胜利者的和平”。更具体地说,作者试图通过他们的奖学金(p. x)改变国际公众对这种情况的看法。本书的十一章可分为三个部分。前四章对奥斯陆协议及其对巴勒斯坦人的影响进行了批判性审查,其中的章节探讨了奥斯陆协议对巴勒斯坦当地政治和经济的影响。第二部分探讨…… 的和平”是奥斯陆进程的结果。更具体地说,作者试图通过他们的奖学金(p. x)改变国际公众对这种情况的看法。本书的十一章可分为三个部分。前四章对奥斯陆协议及其对巴勒斯坦人的影响进行了批判性审查,其中的章节探讨了奥斯陆协议对巴勒斯坦当地政治和经济的影响。第二部分探讨…… 的和平”是奥斯陆进程的结果。更具体地说,作者试图通过他们的奖学金(p. x)改变国际公众对这种情况的看法。本书的十一章可分为三个部分。前四章对奥斯陆协议及其对巴勒斯坦人的影响进行了批判性审查,其中的章节探讨了奥斯陆协议对巴勒斯坦当地政治和经济的影响。第二部分探讨…… 与探讨奥斯陆协议对当地巴勒斯坦政治和经济的影响的章节。第二部分探讨…… 与探讨奥斯陆协议对当地巴勒斯坦政治和经济的影响的章节。第二部分探讨……