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Postwar Nakba: A Microhistory of the Depopulation of Zakariyya, 1950
Journal of Palestine Studies ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1525/jps.2019.49.1.47
Dan Tsahor

This study follows the events that caused the depopulation of the village of Zakariyya, south of the Jaffa-Jerusalem road, during the summer of 1950. Using documents from state and military archives, the article constructs the story of the villagers9 expulsion and explores the role of the little-known Transfer Committee in initiating and promoting postwar expulsions of Palestinians from the newly established State of Israel. A close reading of the actions of individual committee members over the course of events uncovers both the Transfer Committee9s modus operandi and the ostensible rationale for the postwar depopulation of the village. The article argues that by packing the committee with representatives of major Israeli power centers, Chair Yosef Weitz in effect laid the groundwork for the continuing expulsion of Palestinians from Israel after the establishment of the state.


战后灾难:扎卡里亚人口减少的微观历史,1950 年

本研究追踪了 1950 年夏天导致雅法-耶路撒冷公路以南 Zakariyya 村人口减少的事件。文章利用国家和军事档案中的文件,构建了村民 9 被驱逐的故事并探讨了其作用鲜为人知的转移委员会发起和推动战后将巴勒斯坦人驱逐出新成立的以色列国。仔细阅读事件过程中个别委员会成员的行动,可以发现转移委员会的运作方式和战后村庄人口减少的表面理由。文章认为,通过将以色列主要权力中心的代表挤满委员会,