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Review: Israel's National Identity: The Changing Ethos of Conflict by Neta Oren
Journal of Palestine Studies ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1525/jps.2019.49.1.123
Eve Spangler

Israel's National Identity: The Changing Ethos of Conflict , by Neta Oren. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2019. 291 pages. $85.00 cloth, $85.00 e-book. Neta Oren, Israeli political scientist and current resident scholar at George Mason University's School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, has written a social-psychological study of the ethos that, in her estimation, forms Israeli national identity, at least with regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She draws heavily on the work of her mentor, Daniel Bar-Tal, to explore how national identity is constructed within the context of a protracted and seemingly insoluble conflict. Oren makes the case that national identity is cocreated by state authorities, individual citizens, and mediating institutions. She uses data from political speeches, school curricula, public opinion surveys, and political party platforms to make her case, considering each data source in relation to six major themes of Israeli political identity. These are: the necessary Jewishness of the state, the fact that it is surrounded by enemies and yet …


评论:以色列的民族认同:不断变化的冲突风气 作者 Neta Oren

以色列的民族认同:不断变化的冲突精神,作者 Neta Oren。科罗拉多州博尔德:Lynne Rienner 出版社,2019 年。291 页。布 85.00 美元,电子书 85.00 美元。以色列政治学家、乔治梅森大学冲突分析与解决学院现任常驻学者 Neta Oren 撰写了一份社会心理研究,在她看来,这种精神形成了以色列的民族认同,至少就以色列人而言——巴勒斯坦冲突。她大量借鉴导师 Daniel Bar-Tal 的工作,探索如何在旷日持久且看似无法解决的冲突背景下构建民族认同。奥伦认为国家身份是由国家当局、公民个人和调解机构共同创造的。她使用政治演讲、学校课程、民意调查和政党平台来证明她的情况,考虑与以色列政治身份的六个主要主题相关的每个数据源。它们是:国家必要的犹太人身份,它被敌人包围的事实,但......