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The Three Enigmas of Palestinian Literature
Journal of Palestine Studies ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1525/jps.2019.48.3.21
Refqa Abu-Remaileh

As an introduction to the Journal9s literary feature, this contribution aims to shed light on recent scholarship on Palestinian literature with a view to integrating discussions of literature more concretely within the broader field of Palestine studies. The contribution structures the discussion of the articles by Amal Eqeiq and Nora Parr around three enigmas that preoccupy scholars of Palestinian literature: writing a national literature without a nation-state, writing silence and nonlinearity, and writing fragmentation and wholeness. It highlights that challenges for scholarship on Palestinian literature revolve around rethinking conventional categorizations, canonizations, and periodizations to better understand how a national literature emerged in a context of exile, fragmentation, and statelessness, and how processes of cultural production operate in extranational conditions.



作为对 Journal9 文学特色的介绍,这篇文章旨在阐明最近关于巴勒斯坦文学的学术研究,以期将文学讨论更具体地纳入更广泛的巴勒斯坦研究领域。这篇文章围绕三个困扰巴勒斯坦文学学者的谜团对 Amal Eqeiq 和 Nora Parr 的文章进行了讨论:写作没有民族国家的民族文学、写作沉默和非线性,以及写作碎片化和整体性。它强调了巴勒斯坦文学学术的挑战围绕着重新思考传统的分类、经典化和分期,以更好地理解民族文学是如何在流亡、分裂和无国籍的背景下出现的,