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Palestinian Engagement with the Black Freedom Movement prior to 1967
Journal of Palestine Studies ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1525/jps.2019.48.4.17
Maha Nassar

This article examines early Palestinian engagements with multiple facets of the Black American struggle for freedom through a content analysis of influential Palestinian press outlets in Arabic prior to 1967. It argues that, since the 1930s, Palestinian intellectuals with strong anti-colonial views linked anti-Black racism in the United States to larger imperial and Cold War dynamics, and that they connected Black American mobilizations against racism to decolonization movements around the world. This article also examines Mahmoud Darwish9s early analytical writings on race as a social construct in both the U.S. and Israeli contexts. Understanding these early engagements sheds light on subsequent developments in Black-Palestinian transnational solidarity and on Palestinian Afro-Arab cultural imaginaries.


巴勒斯坦人在 1967 年之前参与黑人自由运动

本文通过对 1967 年之前有影响力的巴勒斯坦阿拉伯语新闻媒体的内容分析,研究了早期巴勒斯坦参与美国黑人争取自由斗争的多个方面。它认为,自 1930 年代以来,具有强烈反殖民观点的巴勒斯坦知识分子将反殖民主义联系在一起。美国的黑人种族主义与更大的帝国主义和冷战动态有关,并将美国黑人反对种族主义的动员与世界各地的非殖民化运动联系起来。本文还考察了马哈茂德·达尔维什 (Mahmoud Darwish) 早期关于种族作为美国和以色列背景下的社会建构的分析著作。了解这些早期的参与有助于了解巴勒斯坦黑人和巴勒斯坦人跨国团结的后续发展以及巴勒斯坦非洲裔阿拉伯人的文化想象。