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Survey Nonresponse Trends and Fieldwork Effort in the 21st Century: Results of an International Study across Countries and Surveys
Journal of Official Statistics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.2478/jos-2020-0025
Annemieke Luiten 1 , Joop Hox 2 , Edith de Leeuw 2

Abstract For more than three decades, declining response rates have been of concern to both survey methodologists and practitioners. Still, international comparative studies have been scarce. In one of the first international trend analyses for the period 1980–1997, De Leeuw and De Heer (2002) describe that response rates declined over the years and that countries differed in response rates and nonresponse trends. In this article, we continued where De Leeuw and De Heer (2002) stopped, and present trend data for the next period 1998–2015 from National Statistical Institutes. When we looked at trends over time in this new data set, we found that response rates are still declining over the years. Furthermore, nonresponse trends do differ over countries, but not over surveys. Some countries show a steeper decline in response than others, but all types of surveys show the same downward trend. The differences in (non)response trends over countries can be partly explained by differences in survey design between the countries. Finally, for some countries cost indicators were available, these showed that costs increased over the years and are negatively correlated with noncontact rates.



摘要在过去的三十多年中,调查方法学家和从业人员都一直关注着下降的响应率。尽管如此,国际比较研究仍然很少。De Leeuw和De Heer(2002)在1980-1997年间进行的第一批国际趋势分析中,描述了响应率多年来下降了,并且各国的响应率和无响应趋势有所不同。在本文中,我们继续从De Leeuw和De Heer(2002)停下来的地方出发,并提供了来自国家统计局的1998-2015年下一个时期的趋势数据。当我们在这个新数据集中查看随时间变化的趋势时,我们发现多年来响应率仍在下降。此外,不同国家/地区的无回应趋势确实有所不同,但调查也无差异。一些国家的反应较其他国家急剧下降,但是所有类型的调查都显示出相同的下降趋势。国家之间(无)响应趋势的差异可以部分由国家之间的调查设计差异来解释。最后,对于某些国家,有成本指标,这些指标表明,这些年来成本增加了,并且与非接触率呈负相关。