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Mapping the Memory of Luther: Place and Confessional Identity in the Later Reformation*
German History ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-04 , DOI: 10.1093/gerhis/ghz098
Kat Hill 1

In 1571 two mapmakers, Johannes Mellinger and Tilemann Stella, produced a map of the county of Mansfeld, Luther’s birthplace. This article considers this map as a complex printed material object; it is far more than a straightforward representation of place, since it is covered with historical details, quotes, writing, and references to Luther’s life, the Reformation and Mansfeld’s history. It created a notion of Lutheran space and used this space as a form of memory-making and memorialisaton at a critical time in Lutheran history. The decades following the death of Luther in 1546 were a time of crisis, when Lutheranism faced an uncertain future and grief at the loss of the Wittenberg reformer, while also attempting to establish itself on the confessional map of sixteenth-century Europe. Mellinger and Stella’s map of Mansfeld reveals how second-generation Lutherans reconceptualiased the landscape to address the problem of providing an alternative way of writing Luther’s life, and how Lutherans could integrate pasts and places which were not specifically Lutheran into a providential narrative. The map addressed the ambiguities of old and new with its composite, hybrid form that combined space, events, and person, and it historicised and re-imagined space. This map demands that we think about how space functioned within a culture which wanted to remember Luther’s life and write histories in a way that could validate Lutheranism and its future, and in particular it focuses our attention on how memory-making, at this specific point of existential concern, shaped the Lutheran church.



1571 年,两位制图师约翰内斯·梅林格 (Johannes Mellinger) 和蒂勒曼·斯特拉 (Tilemann Stella) 绘制了路德出生地曼斯菲尔德县的地图。本文将此地图视为一个复杂的印刷材料对象;它不仅仅是对地方的直接表示,因为它涵盖了历史细节、引述、著作以及对路德生平、宗教改革和曼斯菲尔德历史的参考。它创造了路德教空间的概念,并在路德教历史的关键时刻使用这个空间作为一种记忆和纪念的形式。1546 年路德去世后的几十年是一个危机时期,当时路德教面临不确定的未来,并因失去维滕贝格改革者而悲痛,同时也试图在 16 世纪欧洲的忏悔地图上确立自己的地位。Mellinger 和 Stella 的曼斯菲尔德地图揭示了第二代路德会如何重新概念化景观以解决提供一种书写路德生活的替代方式的问题,以及路德会如何将不属于路德会的过去和地方整合到天意叙事中。该地图以其复合、混合形式将空间、事件和人结合在一起,解决了新旧的模糊性,并将空间历史化和重新想象。这张地图要求我们思考空间在一种文化中是如何运作的,这种文化想要记住路德的生平并以一种可以验证路德教及其未来的方式书写历史,特别是它将我们的注意力集中在记忆是如何形成的,在这个特定的时刻对存在的关注,塑造了路德教会。