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Floral Arrangements: Compilations of Saints’ Lives in Early Modern Europe
Journal of Early Modern History ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-22 , DOI: 10.1163/15700658-12342577
Jonathan E. Greenwood 1

Flores sanctorum (Flowers of the Saints, hereafter flowers) were a uniquely Iberian genre immersed in European efforts to collect the lives of saints and then arrange them according to the liturgical year. Although one of the first books printed in Spain, the genre went into decline by the mid-sixteenth century due to ongoing Inquisitorial censure. Flowers, however, grew again thanks to Alonso de Villegas and later Pedro de Ribadeneyra. This duo's use of the liturgy resulted in the differentiation between the saints in the Breviary and the extravagantes (wanderers), holy persons wandering outside of the official calendar prepared by the Roman Church. To cultivate their flowers, Villegas and Ribadeneyra relied on metaphrasis, a method started by Symeon Metaphrastes, a Byzantine cleric and wanderer from the tenth century. While thoroughly Iberian, flowers extended beyond the Peninsula to incorporate practices from the Catholic and Eastern churches



Flores sanctorum(圣徒之花,以下简称花)是一种独特的伊比利亚流派,沉浸在欧洲努力收集圣徒的生活中,然后根据礼仪年安排它们。尽管是西班牙最早印刷的书籍之一,但由于持续不断的宗教裁判所的谴责,该类型在 16 世纪中叶开始衰落。然而,由于 Alonso de Villegas 和后来的 Pedro de Ribadeneyra,鲜花再次生长。这对二人对礼拜仪式的使用导致了祈祷书中的圣徒和奢侈者(流浪者)之间的区别,这些圣人在罗马教会准备的官方日历之外徘徊。Villegas 和 Ribadeneyra 种植花卉时依赖于 Metaphrasis,这是一种由 Symeon Metaphrastes 发起的方法,Symeon Metaphrastes 是 10 世纪的拜占庭牧师和流浪者。