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Sephardic Migration and Cultural Transfer: The Ottoman and Spanish Expansion through a Cinquecento Jewish Lens
Journal of Early Modern History ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-07 , DOI: 10.1163/15700658-12342556
Martin Jacobs 1

This study explores the reading and writing practices of Joseph Ha-Kohen, a sixteenth-century Jewish chronicler from Genoa, against the background of his Italian and Spanish sources: in what ways and why did he adapt, change or subvert their narratives? It focuses on two of Ha-Kohen’s major works: his Franco-Turkish Chronicle, and his Hebrew adaptation of Lopez de Gomara’s account of the Spanish conquests in the Americas. Based on these writings, the essay asks how the author’s Sephardic identity and migration experience inform his ideas about the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires. Notably, the Jewish chronicler applauds the Ottomans’ conversion of churches into mosques, while he condemns the forced Christianization of the Amerindians. At the same time, Ha-Kohen shares cultural attitudes with Gomara and voices qualified support for a Spanish civilizing mission. These ambiguities in Ha-Kohen’s writings—oscillating between praise and repudiation of imperial ideology—prove to be emblematic of post-expulsion Sephardic Jewry.



本研究探讨了来自热那亚的 16 世纪犹太编年史家约瑟夫·哈科恩 (Joseph Ha-Kohen) 的阅读和写作实践,以他的意大利和西班牙资料为背景:他以何种方式以及为何调整、改变或颠覆了他们的叙述?它侧重于 Ha-Kohen 的两部主要作品:他的《法国-土耳其编年史》,以及根据洛佩兹·德·戈马拉 (Lopez de Gomara) 对西班牙在美洲的征服记述的希伯来语改编版。基于这些著作,本文询问作者的西班牙裔身份和移民经历如何影响他对哈布斯堡帝国和奥斯曼帝国的看法。值得注意的是,这位犹太编年史家赞扬奥斯曼帝国将教堂改建为清真寺,同时谴责美洲印第安人被迫基督教化。同时,Ha-Kohen 与 Gomara 分享文化态度,并表示对西班牙文明使命的合格支持。Ha-Kohen 著作中的这些含糊不清——在对帝国意识形态的赞扬和否定之间摇摆不定——被证明是被驱逐后的西班牙犹太人的象征。