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Palazzo Tè between Science and Imagination
Journal of Early Modern History ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2016-09-07 , DOI: 10.1163/15700658-12342507
David Malkiel 1

This study focuses on the observations of two eighteenth-century visitors to Mantua’s Palazzo Te, Rabbis Isaac Lampronti of Ferrara (1679-1756) and Hayyim Yoseph David Azulay of Jerusalem (1724-1806), especially their impressions of the echo in its Chamber of the Giants. The rabbis’ response to Palazzo Te closely resembles that of dozens other European travelers, whose writings about the echo chamber exhibit the same fascination with recent advances in scientific knowledge, and like them, Lampronti and Azulay labor to synthesize their experience with the traditions and beliefs that make up their worldview. The Palazzo Te literature emblematizes the explosive increase in the diffusion of knowledge in early modern Europe, in the arts as well as the sciences, and the importance of travel and travel writing in that process.


Palazzo Tè 介于科学与想象之间

这项研究的重点是对曼图亚宫的两名 18 世纪游客的观察,他们是费拉拉的拉比艾萨克·兰普朗蒂(1679-1756 年)和耶路撒冷的海伊姆·约瑟夫·大卫·阿祖莱(1724-1806 年),尤其是他们对宫中回声的印象。巨人队。拉比对德宫的反应与其他几十位欧洲旅行者的反应非常相似,他们关于回声室的著作对科学知识的最新进展表现出同样的迷恋,与他们一样,兰普朗蒂和阿祖莱努力将他们的经验与传统和信仰结合起来构成了他们的世界观。Palazzo Te 文学象征着早期现代欧洲知识传播的爆炸性增长,包括艺术和科学,以及旅行和旅行写作在这一过程中的重要性。