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Les Guerrières de Dieu in the French Ursuline Missionary Archives
Journal of Early Modern History ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-03-23 , DOI: 10.1163/15700658-12342537
Heidi Keller-Lapp 1

Marie de l’Incarnation’s letters and mission reports advanced a particular ideotype of the Ursuline missionary as “warrior of God” and were received and disseminated as exempla in several seventeenth-century French religious texts. One of these was an anthology entitled La Gloire de Ste. Ursule (The Glory of St. Ursula) (1656), a collection of summaries of French Ursuline spiritual biographies, including those from New France, authored by an unknown Jesuit. Like other biographical texts on the continent, La Gloire promoted a revised narrative of the Ursuline lineage from contemplatives in action to “guerrieres de Dieu (warriors of God)”: saintly warriors armed with heroic virtues in their combined mission of interior contemplation and active apostolate at the frontiers of local, national, and Atlantic catholicity. According to La Gloire, these femmes fortes, Amazons, Canadoises, and spiritual warriors were both mystics devoted to their interior spiritual battles and monastic discipline and christianizing and civilizing teachers, preachers, missionaries and defenders of a reformed, united, transnational Catholicism, as counterparts to their Jesuit associates. This article reveals how narratives created or revised in the French Atlantic World were received and disseminated for religio-political purposes on the continent. It illuminates the communication network between metropole and periphery and demonstrates how narratives from New France functioned in the historical context of mid-to-late seventeenth-century France.


法国乌尔苏拉传教士档案馆中的 Les Guerrières de Dieu

Marie de l'Incarnation 的信件和传教报告将乌尔苏拉传教士视为“上帝的战士”的一种特殊观念,并在一些 17 世纪的法国宗教文本中作为范例被接受和传播。其中之一是一本名为《圣光荣光》的选集。Ursule (The Glory of St. Ursula) (1656),法国乌尔苏拉精神传记摘要集,包括来自新法兰西的传记,由一位不知名的耶稣会士撰写。与欧洲大陆上的其他传记文本一样,《荣耀报》将乌尔苏拉血统的修订叙述从行动中的沉思者提升为“guerrieres de Dieu(上帝的勇士)”:在内心沉思和积极使徒的联合使命中,拥有英雄美德的圣洁战士在地方、国家和大西洋天主教的边界。据《荣耀报》报道,这些女性强者、亚马逊人、加拿大人和精神战士都是致力于内部精神斗争和修道院纪律的神秘主义者,也是基督教化和文明化的教师、传教士、传教士和改革后的、统一的、跨国的天主教的捍卫者,作为他们的耶稣会同伙的对应物。本文揭示了在法国大西洋世界中创建或修改的叙述如何在该大陆上被接受和传播以用于宗教政治目的。它阐明了大都市与外围之间的交流网络,并展示了来自新法兰西的叙事如何在 17 世纪中后期法国的历史背景下发挥作用。和精神战士都是神秘主义者,致力于他们内部的精神斗争和修道院纪律,以及基督教化和文明化的教师、传教士、传教士和改革后的、统一的、跨国的天主教的捍卫者,作为他们的耶稣会同伙的对应物。本文揭示了在法国大西洋世界中创建或修改的叙述如何在该大陆上被接受和传播以用于宗教政治目的。它阐明了大都市与外围之间的交流网络,并展示了来自新法兰西的叙事如何在 17 世纪中后期法国的历史背景下发挥作用。和精神战士都是神秘主义者,致力于他们内部的精神斗争和修道院纪律,以及基督教化和文明化的教师、传教士、传教士和改革后的、统一的、跨国的天主教的捍卫者,作为他们的耶稣会同伙的对应物。本文揭示了在法国大西洋世界中创建或修改的叙述如何在该大陆上被接受和传播以用于宗教政治目的。它阐明了大都市与外围之间的交流网络,并展示了来自新法兰西的叙事如何在 17 世纪中后期法国的历史背景下发挥作用。本文揭示了在法国大西洋世界中创建或修改的叙述如何在该大陆上被接受和传播以用于宗教政治目的。它阐明了大都市与外围之间的交流网络,并展示了来自新法兰西的叙事如何在 17 世纪中后期法国的历史背景下发挥作用。本文揭示了在法国大西洋世界中创建或修改的叙述如何在该大陆上被接受和传播以用于宗教政治目的。它阐明了大都市与外围之间的交流网络,并展示了来自新法兰西的叙事如何在 17 世纪中后期法国的历史背景下发挥作用。