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Puritan Martyrs in Island Prisons
Journal of British Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-08 , DOI: 10.1017/jbr.2018.112
David Cressy

Charles I's Star Chamber prosecution of the lawyer William Prynne, the minister Henry Burton, and the physician John Bastwick generated both contemporary and historiographical controversy, mostly concerned with their writings, their trial, and their punishment in London. This article turns attention to their unusual offshore incarceration on the islands of Jersey, Guernsey, and the Scillies between 1637 and 1640. It examines the material, social, and spiritual circumstances of island detention, and shows how the “puritan martyrs”1 coped with separation from the world. Though the discourse of martyrdom invited a compilation of miseries, invoking scriptural comparisons, this triumvirate experienced isolation that did not necessarily incapacitate them. Prynne savored the hospitality of his jailers, Burton smuggled out polemical tracts, and all three found inspiration in the book of Revelation, written by St. John while a prisoner on the island of Patmos. Each returned to the fray in the 1640s, writing works of witness and justification. Their experience of island imprisonment provided a model and an inspiration for dozens more who were similarly confined during the Protectorate and the Restoration.



查尔斯一世的星庭起诉律师威廉·白兰、部长亨利·伯顿和医生约翰·巴斯威克引发了当代和史学争议,主要关注他们的著作、审判和在伦敦的惩罚。本文将注意力转向他们在 1637 年至 1640 年间在泽西岛、根西岛和锡利群岛上不同寻常的离岸监禁。它考察了岛上拘留的物质、社会和精神环境,并展示了“清教徒烈士”如何1应对与世界的分离。尽管殉道的话语邀请了苦难的汇编,援引了圣经的比较,但这个三人组经历了并不一定会使他们丧失能力的孤立。白兰享受狱卒的热情款待,伯顿偷偷带出论战小册子,三人都在圣约翰在拔摩岛被囚时所写的《启示录》中找到了灵感。每个人都在 1640 年代重返战场,撰写见证和称义的作品。他们在岛上被监禁的经历为在保护国和维新期间同样被监禁的数十人提供了榜样和灵感。