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Rex Ingamells and Ted Strehlow: Correspondences and Contradictions in Australian Settler Nationalism
Journal of Australian Studies ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14443058.2020.1796756
Dan Tout 1

ABSTRACT The standard story of Australian national cultural development revolves around a fundamental conflict between the forces of empire loyalism or universalism on the one hand and Australian nationalism on the other. Yet this narrative structure neglects the complexities of the settler-colonial, as distinct from the colonial, situation. This article is premised on the proposition that the settler-colonial situation is conditioned by a triangular system of relationships involving settler, metropolitan and Indigenous agencies. In this schema, the settler is compelled towards both indigenisation and neo-European replication, while both trajectories are similarly founded on the prior displacement of pre-existing Indigenous populations. While at certain historical moments exclusive emphasis on the settler–metropole relation may be maintained, at others the disavowal of the settler–indigene relation common to both sides of the “two Australias” divide is rendered untenable by changing circumstances. It is into such a moment this article aims to situate its subjects—Rex Ingamells and the Jindyworobaks—and it does so with reference to the correspondences between Jindyworobak indigenism and the indigenising settler nationalism evident in the “salvage linguistics” of Ted Strehlow. In doing so, the article aims to reveal the complexities and persistence of what it terms the settler predicament.


Rex Ingamells 和 Ted Strehlow:澳大利亚移民民族主义的对应与矛盾

摘要 澳大利亚民族文化发展的标准故事围绕着一方面是帝国忠诚主义或普世主义的力量与另一方面是澳大利亚民族主义之间的根本冲突。然而,这种叙事结构忽略了殖民者与殖民情境不同的复杂性。本文的前提是这样一个命题,即定居者 - 殖民地的情况取决于涉及定居者、大都市和土著机构的三角关系系统。在这个模式中,定居者被迫同时进行本土化和新欧洲复制,而这两种轨迹同样建立在预先存在的原住民人口的先前迁移上。虽然在某些历史时刻可能会保持对定居者-大都市关系的专门强调,在其他情况下,“两个澳大利亚”分歧双方共同否认定居者-土著关系的做法因环境变化而站不住脚。正是在这样一个时刻,本文旨在定位其主题——Rex Ingamells 和 Jindyworobaks——并且它参考了 Jindyworobak 本土主义与 Ted Strehlow 的“救助语言学”中明显的本土化定居者民族主义之间的对应关系。这样做的目的是揭示它所说的定居者困境的复杂性和持久性。正是在这样一个时刻,本文旨在定位其主题——Rex Ingamells 和 Jindyworobaks——并且它参考了 Jindyworobak 本土主义与 Ted Strehlow 的“救助语言学”中明显的本土化定居者民族主义之间的对应关系。这样做的目的是揭示它所说的定居者困境的复杂性和持久性。正是在这样一个时刻,本文旨在定位其主题——Rex Ingamells 和 Jindyworobaks——并且它参考了 Jindyworobak 本土主义与 Ted Strehlow 的“救助语言学”中明显的本土化定居者民族主义之间的对应关系。这样做的目的是揭示它所说的定居者困境的复杂性和持久性。