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Rebuilding as Research: Noongar Song, Language and Ways of Knowing
Journal of Australian Studies ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14443058.2020.1746380
Clint Bracknell 1

ABSTRACT In Australia, language and song are integral to maintaining Aboriginal knowledge systems. British colonisation and ensuing Australian government policies of assimilation have adversely impacted these knowledge systems, at least partially by functioning to dramatically diminish the vitality of many Aboriginal languages and song traditions. As a Noongar researcher motivated by community-oriented goals, I employ a multidisciplinary approach to enhance the revitalisation of the endangered Noongar language and its song traditions in the south coast region of Western Australia. This work draws on established methods from ethnomusicology and linguistics, engaging with community knowledge-holders and archival records to rebuild repertoire while increasing opportunities to gather together, sing and speak. While the processes developed to aid this endeavour may function as useful models for others involved in similar projects across the world, its aims are primarily oriented towards empowering the local community. Given the continued development of approaches to Indigenous research, this article will discuss the potential for language revitalisation, song and performance to expand available ways of knowing.



摘要 在澳大利亚,语言和歌曲是维持土著知识体系不可或缺的一部分。英国的殖民化和随之而来的澳大利亚政府的同化政策对这些知识体系产生了不利影响,至少部分是因为它极大地削弱了许多土著语言和歌曲传统的活力。作为以社区为导向的目标为动力的 Noongar 研究人员,我采用多学科方法来促进西澳大利亚南海岸地区濒临灭绝的 Noongar 语言及其歌曲传统的复兴。这项工作借鉴了民族音乐学和语言学的既定方法,与社区知识持有者和档案记录合作,重建曲目,同时增加聚会、唱歌和说话的机会。虽然为帮助这一努力而开发的流程可以作为世界各地参与类似项目的其他人的有用模型,但其目标主要是为了增强当地社区的能力。鉴于土著研究方法的不断发展,本文将讨论语言复兴、歌曲和表演以扩展可用的认识方式的潜力。