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A dangerous liaison? Harnessing Weber to illuminate the relationship of democracy and charisma in the Philippines and India
International Sociology ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-21 , DOI: 10.1177/0268580920942721
Walden Flores Bello 1

Democratic elections in the Philippines and India in 2019 yielded a paradoxical result: the strengthening of the political hegemony of personalities partial to authoritarian rule. An examination of economic, social, and political conditions prior to the elections shows that the usual paradigms used to explain voters’ choices – class theory, rational choice theory, and patron–client theory – fail to account for the sweeping victories of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. A more useful framework is that of charismatic authority derived from Max Weber. Employing this paradigm, the article discusses the origins of charismatic authority in the two polities, the differences in charismatic appeal, the social construction of charisma, charisma and the creation of the Other, and the democratic dialectic at the heart of charismatic authoritarianism.



2019年菲律宾和印度的民主选举产生了一个矛盾的结果:偏向威权统治的人物的政治霸权得到加强。对选举前经济、社会和政治条件的考察表明,用来解释选民选择的常用范式——阶级理论、理性选择理论和赞助人-客户理论——无法解释菲律宾总统罗德里戈的全面胜利杜特尔特和印度总理纳伦德拉莫迪。一个更有用的框架是源自 Max Weber 的魅力权威。运用这种范式,文章讨论了两种政体中魅力权威的起源、魅力诉求的差异、魅力的社会建构、魅力和他者的创造,