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International Regional Science Review: Special Issue in Memory of Raymond J. G. M. Florax
International Regional Science Review ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-12 , DOI: 10.1177/0160017619873693
Michael S. Delgado 1 , Peter Mulder 2

Like so many in our profession, we had the pleasure of calling Raymond Florax both a colleague and a friend. Raymond was truly an academic, with a never-ending energy for research; interest in new models, data, or ideas; and in a most inspiring way had a passion for mentoring students and young professionals from all over the world. We were all saddened on March 1, 2017, when Raymond passed away suddenly and unexpectedly at his home in Lafayette, IN. Raymond was born in the city of Heerlen in the southeastern part of the Netherlands on December 29, 1956. Raymond earned a BA in economics from Catholic University Brabant in Tilburg, the Netherlands, in 1979 and spent the next few years in Eindhoven teaching high school and eventually serving as an assistant vice principal. In 1986, Raymond returned to school, earning his PhD in economics and public administration in 1992 from the University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands, under his advisors Peter B. Boorsma and Hendrik Folmer. Raymond was a member of the faculty of the economics department at Wageningen University from 1990 to 1997, moving to the department of spatial economics at VU University Amsterdam as associate professor in 1997. Since 1998, Raymond has held visiting professor positions at various universities in the United States and Europe, in 2005 settling at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN, as a professor in the agricultural economics department. Raymond held the faculty positions at Purdue University and



像我们这个行业中的许多人一样,我们很高兴将Raymond Florax称为同事和朋友。雷蒙德(Raymond)确实是一位学术界人士,具有永无止境的研究力量;对新模型,数据或想法的兴趣;并且以最鼓舞人心的方式热情地指导来自世界各地的学生和年轻专业人员。2017年3月1日,当雷蒙德在印第安纳州拉斐特市的家中突然意外去世时,我们都感到难过。雷蒙德(Raymond)于1956年12月29日出生于荷兰东南部的海尔伦(Heerlen)市。雷蒙德(Raymond)于1979年在荷兰蒂尔堡的天主教大学布拉班特分校获得经济学学士学位,并在随后的几年里在埃因霍温(Eindhoven)教高中并最终担任助理副校长。1986年,雷蒙德回到学校,在其顾问Peter B. Boorsma和Hendrik Folmer的指导下,于1992年在荷兰恩斯赫德的特温特大学获得经济学和公共管理博士学位。雷蒙德(Raymond)从1990年至1997年曾是瓦赫宁根大学(Wageningen University)经济学系的一员,于1997年转任阿姆斯特丹阿姆斯特丹大学(VU University)的空间经济学系副教授。自1998年以来,雷蒙德(Raymond)曾在该大学的各个大学担任客座教授职位。美国和欧洲,于2005年就读于印第安那州西拉斐特的普渡大学,担任农业经济学系的教授。雷蒙德(Raymond)在普渡大学(Purdue University)担任教职,雷蒙德(Raymond)从1990年至1997年曾是瓦赫宁根大学(Wageningen University)经济学系的一员,于1997年转任阿姆斯特丹阿姆斯特丹大学(VU University)的空间经济学系副教授。自1998年以来,雷蒙德(Raymond)曾在该大学的各个大学担任客座教授。美国和欧洲,于2005年就读于印第安那州西拉斐特的普渡大学,担任农业经济学系的教授。雷蒙德(Raymond)在普渡大学(Purdue University)担任教职,雷蒙德(Raymond)从1990年至1997年曾是瓦赫宁根大学(Wageningen University)经济学系的一员,于1997年转任阿姆斯特丹阿姆斯特丹大学(VU University)的空间经济学系副教授。自1998年以来,雷蒙德(Raymond)曾在该大学的多所大学担任客座教授职位。美国和欧洲,于2005年就读于印第安那州西拉斐特的普渡大学,担任农业经济学系的教授。雷蒙德(Raymond)在普渡大学(Purdue University)担任教职,作为农业经济学系的教授。雷蒙德(Raymond)在普渡大学(Purdue University)担任教职,作为农业经济学系的教授。雷蒙德(Raymond)在普渡大学(Purdue University)担任教职,