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Justice and journalism during transitions
International Communication Gazette ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-20 , DOI: 10.1177/1748048519897518
Nicole Stremlau 1

Since the collapse of the Somali state in the early 1990s, the country has been one of the most dangerous places in the world for journalists. Many have been killed with impunity and the majority of those that have been killed where the perpetrator is known have been connected to political groups, including a range of actors such as government forces, parastatals including the Islamist group, Al-Shabaab and businessmen. The lines between such authorities are often blurred. While the targeting and assassination of journalists is certainly one key aspect of potential transitional justice process, it is not the only one. This article explores the variety of ways that journalists contribute and participate in violence and how transitional justice processes must grapple with these nuances and complexities. Drawing on examples from other countries, including South Africa and the former Yugoslavia, the article reflects on the different ways that media intersects with transitional justice processes in Somalia.



自 1990 年代初索马里国家崩溃以来,该国一直是世界上对记者来说最危险的地方之一。许多人被杀而逍遥法外,而在已知肇事者的地方被杀的人中,大多数与政治团体有关联,包括政府军、半国营机构等一系列行为者,包括伊斯兰组织、青年党和商人。这些当局之间的界限往往很模糊。虽然针对记者和暗杀记者无疑是潜在的过渡时期司法程序的一个关键方面,但它并不是唯一的一个方面。本文探讨了记者参与和参与暴力的各种方式,以及过渡时期司法程序必须如何应对这些细微差别和复杂性。借鉴其他国家的例子,