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Human Ecology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-18 , DOI: 10.33396/1728-0869-2020-9-18-27
О. V. Кudelina , М. А. Kaneva

Health capital is a component of human capital providing a link to human health and being which is one of the main determinants of economic growth. Until present, the empirical modeling of health capital greatly depends on selection indicators of health capital fromroutinely collected statistical indicators. The aim of the study is to perform a comparative analysis of the available statistical indicators routinely collected by Rosstat in the Unified Interagency Information and Statistical System (EMISS) and assess their usefulness for building empirical models as health capital indicator. Methods. We performed systemanalysis of the theoretical concepts of health capital and a comparative analysis of the following health indicators: life expectancy at birth, healthy life expectancy, life expectancy at 15 years, proportion of healthy population (proportion of disabled) and healthcare costs. Results. The health indicators proposed by the authors were classified according to the World Bank Logframe methodology within the framework of the "input-output-outcome-impact" approach. Based on the proposed indicators of health capital, the regions of the Russian Federation were ranked, and the studied properties of the indicators were evaluated. Conclusion. It has been established that when choosing an indicator of health capital, it is necessary to rely on the characteristics of a qualitative indicator formulated by the authors - validity, universality, collectability and stability which must correspond to research tasks when building models. "Healthy life expectancy" and "actual per capita health care expenses" are the two indicators that satisfied the requirements. The results of the study can be used by regional governments when developing long-term public health regional policies and when monitoring health and quality of life of the population.



健康资本是人力资本的一个组成部分,提供与人类健康和存在的联系,是经济增长的主要决定因素之一。迄今为止,健康资本的实证建模很大程度上依赖于从常规收集的统计指标中选择健康资本的指标。该研究的目的是对 Rosstat 在统一机构间信息和统计系统 (EMISS) 中常规收集的可用统计指标进行比较分析,并评估它们在构建作为健康资本指标的经验模型方面的有用性。方法。我们对健康资本的理论概念进行了系统分析,并对以下健康指标进行了比较分析:出生时预期寿命、健康预期寿命、15岁预期寿命、健康人口比例(残疾人比例)和医疗保健费用。结果。作者提出的健康指标是根据世界银行逻辑框架方法在“投入-产出-结果-影响”方法框架内进行分类的。根据建议的健康资本指标,对俄罗斯联邦各地区进行排名,并对指标的研究性质进行评估。结论。已经确定,在选择健康资本指标时,必须依赖作者制定的定性指标的特征——有效性、普遍性、可收集性和稳定性,这些特征必须与构建模型时的研究任务相对应。“健康预期寿命”和“实际人均医疗费用” 是满足要求的两个指标。研究结果可供地方政府在制定长期公共卫生区域政策以及监测人口健康和生活质量时使用。