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The Battle of the Screens: Unraveling Attention Allocation and Memory Effects When Multiscreening
Human Communication Research ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-02-21 , DOI: 10.1111/hcre.12106
Claire M. Segijn 1 , Hilde A. M. Voorveld 1 , Lisa Vandeberg 1 , Edith G. Smit 1

Multiscreening, the simultaneous usage of multiple screens, is a relatively understudied phenomenon that may have a large impact on media effects. First, we explored people's viewing behavior while multiscreening by means of an eye-tracker. Second, we examined people's reporting of attention, by comparing eye-tracker and self-reported attention measures. Third, we assessed the effects of multiscreening on people's memory, by comparing people's memory for editorial and advertising content when multiscreening (television–tablet) versus single screening. The results of the experiment (N = 177) show that (a) people switched between screens 2.5 times per minute, (b) people were capable of reporting their own attention, and (c) multiscreeners remembered content just as well as single screeners, when they devoted sufficient attention to the content.



多屏显示(同时使用多个屏幕)是一种相对未被充分研究的现象,可能会对媒体效果产生很大影响。首先,我们通过眼动仪探索了人们在进行多屏显示时的观看行为。其次,我们通过比较眼动仪和自我报告的注意力测量方法,研究了人们对注意力的报告。第三,我们通过比较人们在多屏(电视-平板电脑)与单屏相比时对编辑和广告内容的记忆,来评估多屏对人们记忆的影响。实验结果(N = 177)显示:(a)人们每分钟切换屏幕2.5次;(b)人们有能力报告自己的注意力;(c)多屏观众和单屏观众一样能记住内容,