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What is the ‘cybernetic’ in the ‘history of cybernetics’? A French case, 1968 to the present
History of the Human Sciences ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0952695119886988
Jacob Krell 1

This article examines the history of cybernetics in France, and the history of French cybernetics in the context of the emergent field of the history of cybernetics. Drawing upon an unfamiliar group of intellectuals and sources, I discuss the way in which French cybernetics was not primarily the hyper-philosophical strain we have come to associate with names such as Derrida and Lévi-Strauss, but an approach to thinking through political and social problems that some on the left would even deign to call pragmatic. In particular, I follow a group of intellectuals known as the Groupe des dix, who, in the aftermath of the tumult of May ‘68, formed an interdisciplinary think tank to try to work out how to bridge the gap between science and society. In order to facilitate conversations between politicians, philosophers, biologists, and sociologists (to name just a few of the represented disciplines), the Groupe reached for a language that was supposed to be truly omnidisciplinary: that of cybernetics. And they did so in a country where cybernetics was not properly represented as a laboratory science. On this last point, this paper makes an addition to the history of cybernetics by offering a portrait not of cybernetics in action, but of cybernetics in vulgarization. Not that the Groupe would not make their own stamp on politics: Several of them still hold significant power in adjudicating the role of science and technology in the public sphere in the French state.


“控制论的历史”中的“控制论”是什么?一个法国案例,1968 年至今

本文考察了法国控制论的历史,以及在控制论史这一新兴领域的背景下法国控制论的历史。借助一群不熟悉的知识分子和资料来源,我讨论了法国控制论的方式主要不是我们与德里达和列维-斯特劳斯等名字相关的超哲学张力,而是一种通过政治和社会进行思考的方法一些左翼甚至会屈尊称之为务实的问题。我特别关注一群被称为 Groupe des dix 的知识分子,他们在 68 年 5 月的骚乱之后成立了一个跨学科智囊团,试图找出如何弥合科学与社会之间的鸿沟。为了促进政治家、哲学家、生物学家之间的对话,和社会学家(仅举出几个代表性学科),小组达到了一种应该是真正全学科的语言:控制论。他们是在一个控制论没有被正确表示为实验室科学的国家这样做的。在最后一点上,本文通过描绘的不是控制论的实际行动,而是控制论的庸俗化,对控制论的历史进行了补充。并不是说该集团不会在政治上留下自己的印记:其中一些人仍然在裁决科学和技术在法国公共领域中的作用方面拥有重要权力。他们是在一个控制论没有被正确表示为实验室科学的国家这样做的。在最后一点上,本文通过描绘的不是控制论的实际行动,而是控制论的庸俗化,对控制论的历史进行了补充。并不是说该集团不会在政治上留下自己的印记:其中一些人仍然在裁决科学和技术在法国公共领域中的作用方面拥有重要权力。他们是在一个控制论没有被正确表示为实验室科学的国家这样做的。在最后一点上,本文通过描绘的不是控制论的实际行动,而是控制论的庸俗化,对控制论的历史进行了补充。并不是说该集团不会在政治上留下自己的印记:其中一些人仍然在裁决科学和技术在法国公共领域中的作用方面拥有重要权力。