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Colonies of benevolence: A carceral archipelago of empire in the greater Netherlands
History and Anthropology ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-13 , DOI: 10.1080/02757206.2020.1762592
Albert Schrauwers 1

ABSTRACT The Colonies of Benevolence were an early nineteenth century Dutch utopian social experiment in pauper relief, domestic settler colonialism, and segregative rehabilitation; it served as the model for Mettray, held as the epitome of the ‘carceral archipelago’ in Discipline and Punish: the birth of the prison. This disciplinary experiment served as a model of ‘domestic colonization’ for more than a hundred years that was widely emulated throughout Europe; and was also applied in the distant colony of Java. Many have noted Foucault’s failure to address colonialism in what more rightly should be described as a ‘carceral archipelago of empire’. Here, I address the emergence of domestic colonization as a response to Liberalism’s inner contradictions; between its protection of the individual rights of property holders, and the need to discipline, but not jail, the property-less. Only in this way can the colony’s status as a ‘prison designed not to be a prison’ be understood.


