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Transnational connections and anti‐colonial radicalism in the Royal Indian Navy mutiny, 1946
Global Networks ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-19 , DOI: 10.1111/glob.12256

In this article, I explore the spatial politics of the Royal Indian Navy mutiny of 1946 and call for a more maritime sense of ‘the political’. The RIN only existed from 1934 to 1950; it became the Indian Navy after independence. Its mutiny in 1946, which was caused by a number of grievances from anticolonial nationalism to more mundane challenges about the standard of food, continues to be the dominant event in this history. Leela Gandhi (2014) used the RIN mutiny to challenge the binary distinction between elite and subaltern in much Indian historiography by depicting it as an ‘anti‐colonial counterpublic’, or space in which discourses other than the dominant nationalist framings of independence were mobilized. She also regards the mutiny as a potential example of inconsequential ethics in which, instead of worrying about its causes, the mutiny can be read as an experimental space in which democratic politics occurred, rather than one in which people were striving for a ‘successful’ outcome. I argue that, while there is much to be admired in Gandhi's reading of these events, she discounts the maritime nature of the RIN mutiny. In other words, she fails to acknowledge that travelling to different international locations allowed the sailors to learn about democracy and other ideas, which in turn influenced their beliefs about what the future of India, and the RIN, should look like. As a result, I argue for the need to explore in greater depth the important connections that exist between anti‐colonialism, democratic politics and the naval/maritime experience.



在本文中,我探讨了1946年印度皇家海军叛变的空间政治,并呼吁人们从海事上更具“政治性”的意识。RIN仅在1934年至1950年之间存在。独立后成为印度海军。1946年的叛变,是从反殖民民族主义到对食品标准的更为平凡的挑战引起的许多不满引起的,在这一历史上一直是主要事件。Leela Gandhi(2014)通过将RIN叛变描述为``反殖民反共''或在其中调集了独立于主要民族主义框架之外的言论的空间,来挑战印度史学中精英与次要人物之间的二元区分。她还认为叛变是不道德伦理的潜在示例,在这种伦理中,人们不必担心其起因,叛变可以理解为是发生民主政治的实验空间,而不是人们为实现“成功”成果而努力的空间。我认为,尽管甘地对这些事件的解读令人钦佩,但她却不顾RIN叛变的海上性质。换句话说,她没有承认到不同的国际地点旅行会使水手们了解民主和其他观念,这反过来又影响了他们对印度和RIN的未来前景的看法。因此,我认为有必要更深入地探讨反殖民主义,民主政治与海军/海洋经验之间存在的重要联系。而不是人们为获得“成功”成果而努力的一种。我认为,尽管甘地对这些事件的解读令人钦佩,但她却不顾RIN叛变的海上性质。换句话说,她没有承认到不同的国际地点旅行会使水手们了解民主和其他观念,这反过来又影响了他们对印度和RIN的未来前景的看法。因此,我认为有必要更深入地探讨反殖民主义,民主政治与海军/海洋经验之间存在的重要联系。而不是人们为获得“成功”成果而努力的一种。我认为,尽管甘地对这些事件的解读令人钦佩,但她却不顾RIN叛变的海上性质。换句话说,她没有承认到不同的国际地点旅行会使水手们了解民主和其他观念,这反过来又影响了他们对印度和RIN的未来前景的看法。因此,我认为有必要更深入地探讨反殖民主义,民主政治与海军/海洋经验之间存在的重要联系。她没有承认到不同的国际地点旅行会使水手们了解民主和其他观念,这反过来又影响了他们对印度和RIN的未来前景的看法。因此,我认为有必要更深入地探讨反殖民主义,民主政治与海军/海洋经验之间存在的重要联系。她没有承认到不同的国际地点旅行会使水手们了解民主和其他观念,这反过来又影响了他们对印度和RIN的未来前景的看法。因此,我认为有必要更深入地探讨反殖民主义,民主政治与海军/海洋经验之间存在的重要联系。