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‘Sunt quadraginta anni vel circa’: Southern French Waldensians and the Albigensian Crusade
French History ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-01 , DOI: 10.1093/fh/cry065
Claire Taylor 1

This paper contributes new evidence and a new perspective to the study of the religious heresy known as Waldensianism in the high-medieval Languedoc, and its relationship to both orthodox authority and the ‘Cathar’ heresy. Although they were outlawed by Rome in 1184, Waldensians were operating openly in the Cathar lands pertaining to the viscounts of Beziers and the counts of Toulouse and Foix-with clerical complicity. This was until the Albigensian Crusade (1209-29). Its northern French army attacked Cathars and their noble supporters, but began executing Waldensians too. This paper offers a precise chronology and demography for these processes of toleration and persecution. For the first time, it reveals that from 1209, Waldensian refugees re-located beyond the warzone, fleeing to the County of Rodez, the north of the County of Quercy, and the Duchy of Gascony, and were no longer to be found in the Cathar heartlands. In doing this, it sheds light on the wider process of suppressing minority religious groups in the high middle ages, particularly their social and geographical dislocation and assimilation. It also contributes to the related historiographical debate concerning the nature of heresy in medieval Languedoc more generally.


'Sunt quadraginta anni vel circa':法国南部瓦尔多派教徒和阿尔比派十字军东征

本文为研究中世纪朗格多克中被称为瓦尔多派的宗教异端及其与正统权威和“凯撒”异端的关系提供了新的证据和新的视角。尽管他们在 1184 年被罗马取缔,但瓦尔多信徒在与贝济耶子爵以及图卢兹和福瓦伯爵有关的卡特尔土地上公开活动——与教士同谋。这是直到阿尔比派十字军东征(1209-29)。它的法国北部军队袭击了清洁派及其高贵的支持者,但也开始处决瓦尔多信徒。本文为这些宽容和迫害过程提供了精确的年表和人口统计数据。它首次揭示了从 1209 年起,瓦尔多的难民重新安置在战区之外,逃往奎尔西县北部的罗德兹县,和加斯科尼公国,并且不再出现在卡特尔的中心地带。在这样做的过程中,它揭示了中世纪晚期镇压少数宗教群体的更广泛过程,特别是他们的社会和地理错位和同化。它还有助于更普遍地关于中世纪朗格多克异端的性质的相关史学辩论。