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Book Review: Abortion Under Apartheid: Nationalism, Sexuality, and Women’S Reproductive Rights in South Africa by Susanne M. Klausen and Her Body, Our Laws: On the Front Lines of the Abortion War from El Salvador to Oklahoma by Michelle Oberman
Feminist Review ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0141778919879021
Waltraud Maierhofer

In 2018, abortion access and laws have been making headlines again and spurring public debates. In May, Ireland voted in favour of ending the country’s ban on abortion after ‘a historic referendum’ (Kelly et al., 2018), whereas in August, Argentina’s senate narrowly rejected a proposal to legalise abortion (Politi and Londoño, 2018). In March, plans to limit Poland’s strict abortion law even further resulted in mass protests (Santora and Berendt, 2018). In the US, lawmakers in Iowa passed one of the harshest abortion bills in the country, banning it after six weeks gestation (BBC News, 2018), just a few months after Mississippi made abortions illegal after 15 weeks (Fausset, 2018). Even Germany with its fairly liberal abortion law is wrestling with a Nazi-era restriction that limits advertising of the procedure; this has resulted in a ban on gynaecologists providing abortion information on their webpages (Eddy, 2018).


书评:种族隔离下的堕胎:南非的民族主义、性行为和妇女的生殖权利 作者:Susanne M. Klausen 和她的身体,我们的法律:从萨尔瓦多到俄克拉荷马州的堕胎战争前线 作者:Michelle Oberman

2018 年,堕胎准入和法律再次成为头条新闻并引发公众辩论。5 月,爱尔兰在“历史性公投”后投票赞成终止该国的堕胎禁令(Kelly 等,2018 年),而 8 月,阿根廷参议院以微弱优势否决了堕胎合法化的提议(Politi 和 Londoño,2018 年)。3 月,限制波兰严格堕胎法的计划进一步引发了大规模抗议(Santora 和 Berendt,2018 年)。在美国,爱荷华州的立法者通过了该国最严厉的堕胎法案之一,在怀孕 6 周后禁止堕胎(BBC 新闻,2018 年),就在密西西比州在 15 周后将堕胎定为非法的几个月后(Fausset,2018 年)。即便是拥有相当宽松的堕胎法的德国也在努力应对纳粹时代限制堕胎程序广告的限制。