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Sociology at the individual level, psychologies and neurosciences
European Journal of Social Theory ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-08 , DOI: 10.1177/1368431018809548
Bernard Lahire 1

The French sociological tradition has long regarded the ‘individual’ as a reality situated outside its area of intellection and investigation. According to Durkheim, the individual is a psychological object par excellence. Sociology has thus long favored the study of collectives (groups, classes, categories, institutions, microcosms), suggesting that the individual was a reality which, in itself, fell short of the social. The article discusses a method from the mid-1990s of researching sociology at an individual scale. This approach is essentially embedded in the French sociological tradition, from Durkheim to Bourdieu via Halbwachs, despite the inflections and criticisms it might have of this tradition, while also drawing on the main theoretical knowledge of Norbert Elias’ relational and process-focused sociology. From empirical realization in methodological and theoretical reflexivity, this research program has progressed in dialog with various types of scientific knowledge more classically oriented toward the individual and their mental realities, such as cultural psychology, psychoanalysis, cognitive psychology or the neurosciences.



长期以来,法国社会学传统一直将“个人”视为其智力和研究范围之外的现实。根据涂尔干(Durkheim)的观点,个人是卓越的心理对象。因此,社会学长期以来一直支持对集体(群体,阶级,类别,制度,微观世界)进行研究,这表明个人是一种现实,而其本身并不符合社会。本文讨论了一种从1990年代中期开始在个人规模上研究社会学的方法。这种方法本质上是植根于从杜克海姆(Durkheim)到哈尔布瓦克斯(Halbwachs)到布尔迪厄(Bourdieu)的法国社会学传统中,尽管它可能会对这种传统产生偏见和批评,同时也借鉴了诺伯特·埃利亚斯(Norbert Elias)关于关系和过程的社会学的主要理论知识。