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Strangers ante portas: The framing of refugees and migrants in the Czech quality press
European Journal of Communication ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-09 , DOI: 10.1177/0267323120928224
Marína Urbániková 1 , Michał Tkaczyk 1

Abstract This article examines how the two most popular Czech quality dailies framed refugees and migrants during the European refugee crisis in 2015. It explores the extent to which the framing described by previous studies carried out in Western and/or destination countries can also be identified in the newspapers of a country that has had only minimal experience with migration. Instead of identifying frames beforehand and coding them as holistic variables, a routinely used approach to frame analysis, it employs a more reliable and transparent method of hierarchical cluster analysis. The dailies framed the refugees and migrants mainly as a burden on host society, as victims of a humanitarian crisis and, to a lesser degree, as a security threat. The results show that the frames used by the Czech dailies closely correspond to those described in previous research, despite the different methods of analysis and the different geographical and cultural settings.



摘要 本文考察了 2015 年欧洲难民危机期间,两个最受欢迎的捷克优质日报如何对难民和移民进行构架。它探讨了先前在西方和/或目的地国家进行的研究所描述的构架在多大程度上也可以在一个没有移民经验的国家的报纸。它不是预先识别框架并将它们编码为整体变量,这是一种常规使用的框架分析方法,而是采用更可靠和透明的层次聚类分析方法。日报将难民和移民主要描述为东道国社会的负担、人道主义危机的受害者,以及在较小程度上构成安全威胁。