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Book review: Adcreep: The Case Against Modern Marketing
European Journal of Communication ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-30 , DOI: 10.1177/0267323120952580
Thomas Klikauer 1 , Norman Simms 2

during the Covid crisis, the attacks on LGBT rights supporters, the laws passed to limit social networks and ban Netflix in practice for showing undesirable gender roles all point to the dangers for people with secular lifestyles under AKP’s authoritarian rule. Mainstreaming the Headscarf has three unique contributions: First, it shows how the everyday use of an ordinary object like the headscarf can be construed as a changing symbol depending on the user’s political status. Right-wing conservative women used it to claim marginalised/repressed status, then used it again to form alliances with secular feminists and liberal intellectuals and finally they are using it as a power status symbol under AKP’s authoritative regime. Ozcan illustrates well how a symbol like the headscarf can be visually used for ideological positioning by right-wing conservative women journalists in Turkey who later came to become engineers of AKP’s new gender hegemony, which paved the way for the eventual authoritarianism of President Erdogan. Finally, the book proposes ways to break the new authoritarian gender hegemony of AKP and Erdogan by claiming new ground via pushing back and regaining secular freedoms. Overall, Mainstreaming the Headscarf is a theoretically engaging book rich with in-depth examples and analyses of Turkish media and proposing new ways to break right-wing conservative hegemonic media rule by authoritarian governments. Ozcan does this by carefully avoiding binaries like secular versus Islamist in her discussion throughout the book. It is a thorough book, which advocates new methods to counter hate media by AKP government through first-hand personal insights and anecdotes while making theoretically rich propositions.



在 Covid 危机期间,对 LGBT 权利支持者的攻击、通过限制社交网络和禁止 Netflix 在实践中展示不良性别角色的法律,都指向在 AKP 专制统治下过着世俗生活方式的人们面临的危险。将头巾主流化有三个独特的贡献:首先,它展示了如何将头巾等普通物品的日常使用解释为取决于用户政治地位的不断变化的象征。右翼保守女性用它来声称被边缘化/压抑的地位,然后又用它与世俗女权主义者和自由知识分子结盟,最后她们将它用作正发党权威政权下的权力地位象征。奥兹坎很好地说明了土耳其右翼保守女记者如何在视觉上使用头巾这样的符号进行意识形态定位,她们后来成为正义与发展党新性别霸权的工程师,这为埃尔多安总统的最终威权主义铺平了道路。最后,该书提出了通过抵制和恢复世俗自由来占领新阵地,打破正发党和埃尔多安新的专制性别霸权的方法。总体而言,《头巾主流化》是一本理论上引人入胜的书,其中包含对土耳其媒体的深入实例和分析,并提出了打破威权政府对右翼保守媒体霸权统治的新方法。奥兹坎通过在整本书的讨论中仔细避免像世俗与伊斯兰这样的二元论来做到这一点。是一本透彻的书,